The spooky nightime adventure

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It was nighttime. Everyone was telling each other scary stories to pass the time, and right now Petrie was telling the story of a pterosaur that was so big it could actually swallow two T. Rexes in one single bite

All: Whoa.

Petrie: It true.

Cera: You saw this yourself?

Petrie: Oh, no. Me no see. Me uncle Pterano know leaf eater who met Flyer who know other leaf eater who saw it.

Cera: I thought we were telling scary stories.

Ruby: Oh, I know a scary story from the Mysterious Beyond. I was told Sharpteeth tell their kids their story to scare them. Something mysterious lurks in the darkest dark caves of the Mysterious Beyond.

All: Whoa.

Ruby: There, in those dark caves, lives a mysterious spooky creature. They call him the Hidden Runner.

All: Oh!

Cera: [scoffs] And?

Ruby: And, then the Hidden Runner waits til it's night. Dark and night. When you're sleep, he sneaks up to your sleeping place, and before you wake up, he eats you!

Everyone gasps in shock as Millie scoots closer to Millie, Petrie who shared her fear covered his eyes with his wings

Petrie: So we watch where Hidden Runner? What do you look like?

Ruby: [looking around] That's the problem. No one's ever gotten a good look at him.

Chomper: No one? Why not?

Cera: [scoffs] Because he's hidden.

Ruby: More than that. Sometimes he's invisible!

they all gasp

Chomper: What's invisible?

Littlefoot: It means he can't be seen.

Ducky: If he is an invisible, how do you know he is there?

Ruby: Oh, you'll know. Right before he eats you, they say he lets out a noisy horrible yell!

She then demonstrates by letting out a loud howl. Millie clenches onto moxxie with Petrie clenching onto her tail

Petrie: If he invisible, maybe he here right now, but we not know!

Chomper: That's impossible! [gasping] Isn't it?

Ruby: Maybe not. Whenever you think you see something, but nothing's there. Maybe whatever was there, you didn't see was the Hidden Runner.

Millie: t-then I'm keeping both my eyes peeled!

Moxxie: calm down Millie. It's just a story. There's nothing to be scared of

Then suddenly, they hear loud thundering footsteps. Millie leaps into Moxxie's arms making him hold her in a bridal carry

Millie: it's him! He's gonna eat us!

She wraps her arms around Moxxie's neck chittering her teeth, but soon everyone calmed down the moment grandma longneck revealed herself form the other side of the hill

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