Journey to Glacier Pass

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It is dawn. The tribe was still asleep. Soto and Diego look down to see the tribes fire out as they make their day down the ridge. The rest of their pack following them as they join in numbers. However, the sound of their footsteps got the attention of the tribes dogs whom heard the intruders. They see the charging smilodons and bark protectively. Runar is awakened by the barking and he and the others of the tribe prepare for battle getting their spears

The smilodons charge as a battle ensues. They bite and claw at the humans who continue to thrust their spears at them. However it was all a distraction so that Diego could sneak into Runar's hut. When he went in, he looks to see baby Roshan sound asleep wrapped in a blanket of leather with a bracelet of shells and a little stone carved to his image. Diego grins happily as his leader would have his revenge on the humans

However what he didn't count on was Nadia who grabs her son and smacks Diego away with a club. Nadia exits to see the chaos outside and charges of, Diego snarling as he chases after her. Runar hears his wife call to him and charges to her only to be blocked by Soto and knife tooth

With Nadia, Diego chases he all the way to the waterfall where she charges to the rock bridge, only for Diego to block her path. Nadia holds Roshan protectively as Diego claws his bracelet clean off stomping it to the ground. Nadia proceeds to head down the bridge to under it, only for Diego to block her once again. This causes Nadia to dash through the shallow waters with Diego close behind as they reach the edge of the falls

She was cornered. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

 Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

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Nadia backs away, but no use. She was literally at the edge of the falls. Diego slowly stalks her preparing to pounce on her. Nadia looks to the falls and back at her only child. She clutches him hard get gently as she makes the ultimate sacrifice. Inhaling a deep breath, she dashed away and takes a mighty leap over the falls catching Diego off guard. He looks down to find her but the foam and water make it difficult. Knowing this was a failure, he grows before returning to his pack

Speaking of which, the tribe had just cut the ropes the dogs had as they join in the battle. They bite and claw the smilodons who fight with all their might. At that moment Soto sees Diego across from them

Soto: There's Diego. Fall back!

Following the order, the sabers followed Soto towards Diego. Upon reaching him, the pack stopped

Soto: Where's the baby?

Diego: I lost it over the falls.


Before the sabers could continue discussing what happened, some spears landed near them.  They looked and saw the humans chasing after them with their weapons. The sabers fled while Soto expressed his frustration

Soto: I want that baby, Diego.

Diego: I'll get it.

Soto: You'd better, unless you want to serve as a replacement. We'll go up to Half Peak. Meet us there. It had better be alive.

Helluva boss: alternate continuationWhere stories live. Discover now