The eclipse

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It's late at night. Littlefoot couldn't sleep. He looks to his sleeping father and then back to where his grandparents and Imp friends were sleeping. He didn't want to say goodbye to them but he also didn't want to leave his father

Sighing he gets up and heads up to them which gets Millie to wake up

Millie: littlefoot?

Littlefoot: Sorry I woke you up. I just... I just felt like sleeping here tonight.

Millie gives a small smile

Millie: your grandma and grandpa missed ya too. We get it. You want to be with your daddy for a while and we respect that. We just want you to be happy whatever your decision is

Littlefoot gives a small smile as they both fall asleep. But then it was almost sun up. Littlefoot let's out a tired yawn when he sees shorty leaving the crater. He then gets up and follows him without waking anyone up. But Millie woke up at that moment and saw littlefoot leaving. She woke moxxie up and they both followed him to the crater wall and see littlefoot catch up with shorty

Littlefoot: Shorty! Hey, Shorty!

Shorty: Oh, it's you.

Littlefoot: Yeah, it's me. Where're you going?

Shorty: What's it to ya?

Littlefoot: Well, it's just that it's still kinda dark. And you're out here all alone. My dad probably wouldn't like it.

Shorty: Oh, right. Like he'd care. Now that's he's found you, he'll ignore me like everybody else.

Littlefoot: Shorty, you'll always be special to Bron. You've known him all your life, almost. I just met him. I was kinda hoping... I thought maybe we could be like, you know, like brothers.

Shorty looks to him with surprise. He never had a brother before. Hearing those words made Shorty feel a whole lot better so he gave a small smile. Moxxie and Millie are equally as touched by the moment as the two dinosaurs all up to them and the four of them head to the crater, but then the sun rose and a strange feeling was in the air. Moxxie and Millie crystals shined a bright ominous orange and green

Millie: somethings happening. Our crystals detect it

Shorty: I know. I can feel it.

Suddenly, Petrie came out of nowhere and landed on Shorty. they both scream and be hides behind littlefoot

Littlefoot: Petrie, where did you come from?

Petrie: Oh, Littlefoot. Me knew that you. Uh, me see you from far and me say, "That Littlefoot." But the others, they no believe me, so...

Littlefoot: Others? The whole gang? Are they here too?

Petrie: Oh, sure. All here. Be here real soon. That be them now!

They hear thundering footsteps as they look to one another with curiosity and worry. They then look to a large rock formation and behind it came a skull crawler with the tusks of an elephant roaring like a native predator.

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