The magic of the stone

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Tit is morning and most of the gang are sound asleep. However ducky wakes up to see spike helping himself to a heaping pile of leaves!

Ducky: Huh? Spike, where did you get food?

Cera: Yea! It's not a dream!

They all get up and see the leaf pile and those who cold helped themselves

Moxxie: what in the world?! Where did all this come from?

Petrie: me no care! Me starving! Me just want to eat

Cera: yeah! Me too

Millie; well, you didn't find it, and we didn't find it, then who...

That's when they hear a mysterious animal call echo through the caves making everyone quiver in fear

Littlefoot: [gasping] Maybe it was him.

They look to see the dark figure of an ornithopod before it sprints off

Littlefoot: Wait! We won't hurt you!

They all chase after it as they charge through the caverns with boiling water around them. Eventually they hear a loud thud and something falling and they go inside the cave to see the creature

Millie: no no, we don't want to hurt ya. We just want to thank you for getting our friends some food

Suddenly from the darkness form behind them shoved through the female gallimimus scowling at the male

Female: Aha! You helped them, didn't you?

Male: Uh, well, they were hungry.

Moxxie: what?! You two again?!

Millie: the fuck did you get here?

Female: Life is full of little mysteries, isn't it?

The female proceeds to March right up to the male

Female: And we're giving away far too many of them.

Male: I was only trying to help.

Female: Don't tell me that you were only trying to help.

Ducky: Spike, I do not think they are going to answer our questions.

Female: It's always, "Me, me, me, me, me. Self, self, self, self." I'm sick of it!

Male: I just hate your attitude.

Female: Quiet!

Littlefoot: Look, sorry to interrupt, but Petrie's uncle and those other flyers are gonna get to the Stone of Cold Fore if we don't stop them.

Cera: Yeah. We need to get to the top of the mountain, and fast! So you going to help us or not?

The two gallimimus look to one another as the male gestures to them and the female sighs

Female: [sighing] We might as well, now that you know we're here.

We cut to where pterano and his henchmen were as they see the sunrise on the horizon

Pterano: Now let us fly to the top of the Smoking Mountain, to claim the Stone of Cold Fire, and our destiny!

Sierra: [snickering] Uh, yeah. Lead the way, Pterano, lead the way.

We cut back to the gang where the gallimimus lead the group to a large rock blocking up a hole in it

Female: This is it!

Petrie: What it?

Male: A short cut to the top of the Smoking Mountain, of course.

Moxxie and Millie push the rock out of the way and look down to an awful smell

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