Journey to Threehorn peak

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We cut to grandma and grandpa longneck by the riverside when they hear coming footsteps. They see littlefoot and the imps head down the hill until littlefoot slips and falls into the water. Millie almost falls in herself but quickly stops herself by balancing backwards, though moxxie wasn't so lucky as he falls in

Grandma: (chuckles) It's a little early for your bath, dear. Why the rush?

Littlefoot: Rush? No rush. Uh, I just... I suddenly felt kind of dirty.

Grandpa: Were you splashing around in the bubbling mud again?

Moxxie: No. we were just in he forest talking about this morning

Grandpa: Oh, well, that's perfectly-

Littlefoot: Only, then we had a visitor.

Grandpa: Oh? And who was that?

Millie: Petrie's uncle pterano

Grandma: Oh, my goodness! Here, in the Great Valley?

Moxxie: and he was with what I think was a cearadactylus and a rhamphorynchus

Littlefoot gets out of the water with Millie helping moxxie out

Millie: we know he's Petrie's uncle and all, but he's just got this vibe that....well I can't really explain but it's sorta like...the thing is that well....I just don't like the vibe he's having. Is that bad?

Grandpa: Mildred, you have good instincts, and you should pay attention to them.

Grandma: Did Pterano tell you why he left the herd?

Littlefoot: Well, he said because the other grown-ups couldn't see very well.

Grandpa: [angry] What nerve. [lifts his tail up in the air, then his the water] We could see just fine. As a matter of fact, we saw right through him.

Grandma: Now, Grandpa, you haven't even seen him yet, and he's already made you upset.

Grandpa: [calms down, then turns around] Oh, I'm sorry. It just sounds like Pterano is up to his old tricks again.

Millie: What old tricks?

Grandpa: [turns back to face imps and littlefoots] Oh, well, let's just say that if we had not put a stop to Pterano, we might never have made it to the Great Valley.

Moxxie: oh my crumbles! That's awful

Grandpa: Yes, it was. Someday, when you're older, I'll tell you about it.

Littlefoot: Oh, why do I have to wait until...

Grandma: In the meantime, remember, Pterano can sound as if he knows everything, even when he knows nothing.

Grandpa: So be careful, will you?

Millie: Okay. We promise

Meanwhile we cut to Petrie's nest where we see pterano telling Petrie and his siblings about his many adventures flapping his wings giving the illusion of being chased by a vicious carnivore

Pterano: Onward I flew. The sharptooth gained on me, its foul breath at my tail. Its jaws opened wide. Teeth above me! Teeth below me! It was about to swallow me whole.

All: Ooh!

Petrie's Mom: Pterano! It's time for the young ones to take their nap.

Pterano: Of course.

Kid 1: Okay, bye.

Kid 2: Wasn't that neat?

Kid 3: Yeah. I wanna be like Pterano when I grow up.

Helluva boss: alternate continuationWhere stories live. Discover now