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We cut to the sauropod family and the imps fast asleep. Except for littlefoot. He looks to the group who were asleep and walks off. But not before grandpa longneck noticed and watched him walk onto a hillside as the sun rose

Littlefoot: If only I could start all over,
and take things back somehow,
I wouldn't have lied or tried to hide.
If I knew then what I know now.
If I did something wrong, I'd own up
even if I was afraid.
Now my friends are sad
'cause of the mess I made.

Grandpa: Strange, how little things like lies
keep growing taller
until one day, you lose your way
and troubles get bigger
while you get smaller.

The two then look to the sun fully rise before looking to one another again

Littlefoot: If I could get it right
the first time,
I'd never have to make mistakes.

Grandpa: But then you'd never grow,
and never know
the courage living takes,
if only you remember
to think your heart
why then,
you'll never have to say "If only".

Littlefoot: I'll never have to say "If only".

Both: You'll (I'll) never have to say "If only"

With that the two head back to the nest with littlefoot on grandpas head

We cut back to the Mussaurus colony in an unfamiliar tunnel

Skitter: I don't recognize this tunnel at all.

Big Daddy: Hmm, it must have just been created by the big rockfalls that closed our way out.

Dusty: Which way...

Rocky: Do we go?

Big Daddy: [looks around] This way! [walks away]

Lizzie: But this will take away from Cera and the others.

Big Daddy: [sighs] That's the whole idea.

He was thankful for what Millie said about them last night but it didn't change what littlefoot said about blaming it all on them. He just wanted to get his kids away form the great valley to clear his head in what to do then

We cut back to littlefoot and the imps who look to ducky Petrie and spike who continue to scowl at them

Millie: oh. Your still mad aren't ya?

They all nod in unison

Littlefoot: Well, why? I mean, we can understand the adults and the Mussaurus. But why are you guys mad?

Ducky: I do not know if I can say it all like I hear it in my head.

Petrie: Me, neither. Me mad, but hard to tell why.

Spike nods

Ducky: I will try if you want.

Petrie: Me, too.

Littlefoot: Well, okay, go ahead, I guess.

Ducky: You messed up the blossom tree, so I did not get any blossoms, and neither did anybody else.

Spike: [nods] Uh-huh.

Petrie: You make friends with Mussaurus, but you make everybody mad at them, so they unhappy now, too. So why you make friends with them in the firstest place?

Spike: [nods again] Uh-huh.

Ducky: You made the adults so mad that they knocked rocks down on the Mussauruses. So they are now covered up with rocks, and I do not think that is fair, either.

Helluva boss: alternate continuationWhere stories live. Discover now