New friends and new places

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It was sunrise. The gang all got together and started climbing up the Great Wall after the yellow bellies

Cera: This is ridiculous!

Littlefoot: I'm sure if the Yellow Bellies knew some of the rules, they could stay safe until they find their herd. So, I'm gonna teach them.

Moxxie: Well personally I think this is just a waste of time. I mean, Who cares if those three weird-o-sauruses go wandering around in the Mysterious Beyond and or get eaten?

Ducky: I do. Yep, yep, yep.

Littlefoot: Me, too. After the dream I just had, I can't let them go like this!

Cera: You and your dreams. You've got to learn to relax.

Petrie: Me think you got to stop eating right before bed time.

Some of the gang start laughing with littlefoot and Millie putting on stern faces. We cut to the yellow bellies looking off to the mysterious beyond with wonder instead of dread

Loofah: There it is, the Mysterious Beyond.

Doofah: Mmm. It looks so mysterious

Eventually the gang makes it up to them

Millie: Hi, guys.

Yellow Bellies: Aaah! (They smack their heads on the ground)

Loofah: Uh! Hard ground. (gets up and sees Littlefoot) You came to see us off?

Littlefoot: Yeah.

Doofah: That is so beautiful!

Littlefoot: Look, we don't think you're ready to go.

Loofah: What?!

Doofah: Huh?

Loofah: But we have to. We have to lead our herd to Berry Valley.

Doofah: They'd be lost without us.

Petrie: You not gonna say something?

Moxxie: Maybe later.

Littlefoot: OK, but first I've got to teach you some rules

Loofah: rules?

Littlefoot: Yeah. 'Cause you never know what's going to happen.

Then suddenly. Large crash from where the yellow bellied slammed their heads split the ledge they were in from solid ground

Everyone: Aaaahhhhh!

Then the ledge splits off and they all slide down the canyon walks screaming in terror

Doofah: Hey! This is kind of fun!

Soon they make it to a large ledge as they see two new faces appear

Millie: OUT OF THE WAY!!!

The two new faces do get out of the way as they slide right passed as they all slide to the edge of a massive cliff all panting with shock and relief

Loofah: That wasn't so bad.

But as he walked he fell right off the rock to the ground slamming his beak into the dirt

Littlefoot: Loofah! You OK?

Loofah: [ gets beak out of dirt ] Ptoo! Fine

Millie looks to the new faces that they headed into as they are revealed to be Chomper and a pink oviraptor with a red crest with pink spots and feathers on the back of her head, in her elbows and on her back

Millie: CHOMPER!!!

Millie leaps off the rock and highs chomper wildly as they both laugh happily

Millie: I knew I'd see you again little buddy!

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