Evading Red Claw

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The herd has been traveling for a few days now and they were getting both hungry and thirsty. Everyone exhausted and wondering if they would ever make it to berry valley

Moxxie: Do you have any idea where you're going?

Littlefoot: Sort of. See, I've never heard of Berry Valley before, so it's got to be someplace I've never been. Right?

Moxxie: Yeah. So?

Littlefoot: So, I'm going in directions I've never gone before. I'm bound to hit it sooner or later. Make sense?

Moxxie: maybe to those with Brians the size of walnuts

Loofah: Makes sense to me.

Littlefoot: Is that good or bad?

Moxxie: Do you have to ask?

Loofah: Hey, could you find us some water? I'm thirsty.

Littlefoot: We're bound to hit water soon.

Loofah: Great! 'Cause I... Aaghh!

Then the look to see him fall right off the edge of a cliff! When they look, they see he was okay. In fact he landed right into a cool soothing watering hole

Everyone heads into the water hole as fast as they could and they all leap in to cool off

Littlefoot: Loofah! You found it!

Loofah: I didn't find it. You did!

Littlefoot: Wow! Really?

He looks to the entire herd to see them cooking off and having so much fun. Soon afterwards they continue their way until they reach the grassy plains and continue on their way to berry valley

Littlefoot: So, how did I do it?

Loofah: Do what?

Littlefoot: Find the water.

Loofah: Same way you'll find Berry Valley. Same way we do just about everything. We just feel it.

Littlefoot: But it doesn't make sense. If you just feel it, then you never think about it. So, how can you be sure you're following the rules?

Loofah: [ Sighs ] Now you're thinking like a Longneck again.

Littlefoot: OK, forget I said that.

They continue their journey as they press forward. But then from the rear Foobie started sniffing the air. He then smiles and called out to the rest of the herd. All the yellow bellies fall out and go in a frenzy as they all stampeded across the plains catching the group off guard

Cera: Excuse me!

Ducky: Oh! Oh! Ah!I do not like so many rushing feet! No, no, no!

Littlefoot: Loofah! Where are they going?

Loofah: Berry Valley! You found it!

Littlefoot: Really?

They all follow the herd as they continue stampeding wildly. And right I'm front of them surprised them as instead of berry valley it was just a grove of berry bushes. Either way the herd needed to eat something and they all pushed and shoved to help themselves

Some of the gang came as they tried to get their hands and hooves onto some berries but the yellow bellies just pushed them aside. And when they left they left nothing behind of the berries

 And when they left they left nothing behind of the berries

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