The mammoth and the possums

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two ice chunks of ice break off of the dam and fall into the valley below. Sid looks back at this before walking to catch up with the others

Sid: Oh!

They head through fields of grass

Sid: Someday
When you've gone extinct
When you make a stink

Manny: Shut up, Sid.

Sid: Okay.

That night, they walk along a rocky cliff

Sid: Stop, hey
What's that sound?
All the mammoths are in the ground

Manny: Stop singing, Sid!

The next day, they walk through a thawing countryside

Sid: If your species will continue,
clap your hands [claps his hands]
If your species will continue...

Manny: Sid, I'm gonna fall on you again and this time, I will kill you.

Sid: Okay, somebody doesn't like the classics.

They carrying on walking until Manny stops and looks sadly at a bunch of icicles. He then thinks about what the male anteater said

Manny: What if you're right? What if I am the last mammoth?

Millie: don't think like that manny! Ya just gotta keep your chin up and think happy thoughts and maybe good things'll come our way. It's only a matter of time. You'll see. Sooner or later we'll eventually finds some other-

Just then, there is a loud trumpeting sound in the distance

Diego: Mammoths?

Manny: (excited and picking Sid up with his tusks) I knew I couldn't be the last one! I felt it in my gut! (runs off with Sid on his back)

Sid: Whoa!

Manny runs through some trees with Sid bobbing up and down on his back, uprooting them in the process. Diego follows along with the imps on their rhinos

Sid: (judders then ducks to avoid a low hanging branch) Whoa!

The trumpeting is heard again and Manny turns left with Diego and the imps following

Manny: Extinct. Come on!

Sid: (judders)

Diego and the Irelanders manage to catch up with Manny and Sid

Sid: And he's coming round the corner. And he's by a couple of fifths. And he's ahead by a tusk! Oh, he's beating Diego as Diego is coming round the corner!

Manny stops, throwing Sid off his back and sending him sliding toward a log where a Chalicotherium named Cholly is sitting. Cholly farts in Sid's face, revealing it was him who made the trumpeting noise

 Cholly farts in Sid's face, revealing it was him who made the trumpeting noise

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