Journey to the mists

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The next day, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike began searching the Valley for the rest of their friends.

They had been waiting for Littlefoot Moxxie and Millie down by the usual meeting place at Thundering Falls ever since morning came. Now sun was steadily drawing closer to the middle of the sky. They knew something was defiantly afoot when the longneck and Imps didn't show up. They were never this late.

After searching the Valley in all of the possible place that their friends could be, they regrouped at the small trench that they had designated as their little "clubhouse" during the time when Thundering Falls had been blocked up and they needed a secret meeting place to discuss what they could do to find more water.

Ducky: I could not find them anywhere

Petrie: I no find them either.

Cera: This isn't like them. I bet they're just hiding from us so they could spend some time alone with Ali and Octavia

Ducky: They wouldn't do that, Cera. You know they would talk to us first. They would.

Petrie: Besides, No see Ali or Octavia either either. Surely we found them by now.

Cera gave a pensive look. She didn't want to admit it out loud, but the swimmer and flyer had good points. She knew Littlefoot Moxxie and Millie wouldn't just go off and play on their own unless they had already talked with the rest of the Gang first. And if they had really gone off to play with Ali and Octavia, they would've found them by now.

However, that still left the question of where they could've possibly gone.

As Cera glanced around, pondering the question, something in the dirt caught her attention.

Cera: Hey, look!

The Triceratops pointed with her paw at the scribbles in the ground. The Gang gathered around it and immediately became confused as to what it meant. The lines looked to precise and clear to just be haphazard markings or footprints. Some were straight, connecting, swirly, and some looked like circles with lines. It was Millie's message from last night but it was tough for them to make out the words

Petrie: What this?

Ducky: I think it's a message from Millie. I do. I do

Petrie: but what it say?

Cera: You got me.
Millie: ugh! I can't believe we forgot to teach ya guys to read!

Littlefoot: I was wondering what you were doing when you were making those lines with that stick.

Millie simply let out a frustrated groan. She was so used to her friends having human-like qualities that it never dawned on her until now that they couldn't read. They probably didn't even know the concept of reading and writing either.

Now the girl was greatly regretting writing it in the first place since they wouldn't understand it.

Ali: well you can teach us when this is over. Come on! We're close to the canyon that'll lead us to a waterfall. There's a cave behind it that'll take us to the land of mists

Octavia: ya sure pinky? We've been walking for hours and nothing

Ali: I know. But we'll be there soon

The group of four continued to walk across the sandy plan toward the northeastern horizon. After sleeping in a small, secluded cave on the outskirts of the Great Valley, the two longnecks and two humans immediately set out toward the Land of Mists with Aylene riding on Littlefoot and Ken riding on Ali. With Ken being their pathfinder, they quickly got on the correct route and were heading toward their destination.

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