Returning to the sea

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Spike wakes up and yawns. It's the next morning meaning it was time for the gang to continue their journey

Ducky: Thank you for letting us spend the night, Mrs. Mama.

Cera: Yeah, thanks a lot.

Petrie: Yes, thank you.

Littlefoot: Thank you.

Diplodocus Mom: Anytime, little ones. Journey safely.

Cera: Don't worry. We will. I'm old enough to see to that.

Diploducus Mom: Good-bye.

With that the gang head off and continue their journey. The diplodocus mother then looks to her squealing children and gives a smile. We cut to later as we see the gang still walking by the riverside with Mo and Aqua fang beside them, but did today have to be so hot?

Petrie: It's so hot. Me like sky rain than this.

they continue walking down, then Ducky looks at Mo

Ducky: Maybe we could stop and go for a swim.

Spike: Uh-huh.

Spike then alpha ducky to slide down and dove into the water

Ducky: [slides on Spike] Whee! [dives in the water] The water fells so nice and cool. [spits water out] Ew. But it tastes yucky.

Spike: [spits water out] Huh?

Littlefoot: That must be because we're getting close to the Ocean. Come on. Let's celebrate by cooling off.

Everyone then dives into the water and join in with mo and aqua fang. They all proceed to splash around and play before Millie gives a smirk

Millie: come on! Let's show mo how much fun WE are!

Mo breathes to see the gang all stand as if their about to pounce

Mo: Uh-oh.

Millie: GET EM!!!

All: Yeah!

They all charge at the opthalmosaurus and splash him. Mo then squirts at Petrie. Aqua fang joins in as well by inhaling water with his nostrils and blows it at the gang like the blowhole of a whale. Cera makes it to a shore before seeing the Silhouette of an unfamiliar creature

Cera: What is that weird looking thing?

She proceeds to inhale before dunking her head into the water. The gang look in curiosity before they hear a loud snap. Cera yanks her head out of the water to reveal a crab with its pincer latched onto her horn

 Cera yanks her head out of the water to reveal a crab with its pincer latched onto her horn

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Ducky: Cera, what is that on your nose?

Cera: I don't know! Just get it off! Get it off!

Cera dashes around in all directions trying to shake the crab off before Petrie comes to help

Helluva boss: alternate continuationWhere stories live. Discover now