The brave longneck scheme

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Cera and littlefoot scaled a tall hillside with cera leading the way. Cera had told her apatosaurus friend that she had found a shortcut and they were on their way to it

Littlefoot: are you sure there's a shortcut this way?

Cera: yes. Look! There it is

They look to see a huge thicket of fronds and leaves in front of the my

Littlefoot: that's the shortcut?

Cera: I know a shortcut when I see one

The two proceed to walk through and then they proceed to slide down to the other side

Littlefoot: Cera, I'm not sure this is really a shortcut!

They shout in fear as they slide down the hillside. They look and see they're ere headed straight towards a huge bush and scream in terror. The two slam right through the bush and make it through the other side unharmed, although covered in bush leaves

Littlefoot: that was some shortcut

Cera: well at least I-

That's when they hear familiar bellows. Cera looks to the plains and sees a herd of apatosaurus just arriving to the great valley

Cera: hey look!

They both look to the herd and the couldn't help but believe that they had seen the herd before

Cera: I think I know that herd!

Littlefoot: I do too!

Indeed they did, for it was Old one's herd and making herself visible in view was ali walking alongside her mother

Littlefoot: it's Ali! She's come back! Let's go say hi!

Cera: my thoughts exactly! I can't wait to tell her all we've did since last time!

Littlefoot: read my mind!

The two then head toward the herd as they stop to graze. The herd had just arrived to the great valley and would be staying until the autumn season. They walk through the herd happy to see littlefoots grandmothers extended family and littlefoot sees Ali grazing on some grass beside a large stone

Littlefoot and cera: Ali!

They bit charge through the herd, and when she heard her name Ali looks up and sees her two old friends

Ali: littlefoot! Cera!

Littlefoot: Ali I'm so glad your back! I missed you so much!

Cera: I missed you too Ali

Ali: I know. It's been a while

Littlefoot: it has. So how've you been?

Ali: we've been doing great. Me and my herd will be staying here until the time of changing tree stars so we can spend so much time together

Littlefoot: that's great! Moxxie Millie and the gang will be ecstatic to see you again. Wanna play tag? Swimmer soldier? The pointy sees game?

Cera: you name it, we'll play it right littlefoot?

Littlefoot: right! Come on!

The two proceed to head to the clubhouse and Ali was about to follow before she heard a voice


Ali turns her head as littlefoot and cera notice her not coming and look behind her

Littlefoot: hey Ali, aren't you coming?

"Hey Ali!"

Ali: Um, actually I have a new friend I play with

Littlefoot: that's okay. He can come too

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