The suffering

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Shortly after waking up from his unconsciousness, Blitzo felt his mind coming to. When he opened his eyes, Blitzo looked around and saw that he was in some kind of weird medieval-like dungeon with his hands and feet bound to the wall. He struggled to get out of them for fifteen minutes before giving up.

Blitzo: ugh...the fuck happened? Let's see...had the talk with Loona, Octavia took the book to Hollywood. Disguised as some guy and got shoved into a sitcom. Had an epiphany of never giving up Loona, finding the girls, then looking to the fireworks I made during emotional meltdown. Took a walk to a jewelry store and got an idea to tie the knot with Stolas, And...huh, that's it.

There wasn't anything else after that—just a sense of feeling tired and then nothing. Looking around, Biltzo tried to make sense of what was going on until the door to his cell opened up, and three faces revealing to be Sargent khan, kai and captain Gutt walked in. The three glare at the imp who knew something was wrong

Gutt: morning sunshine! Allow me to be the first to extend the hand of friendship

Blitzo: that's your foot

Gutt: haha! Nothing gets by you does it?

Blitzo: So fellas, I'm into kinky shit and all that, but usually I like to have my dates buy me a drink first? Tell you what, let me go, and I'll take us to a pretty good bar. Then we have a foursome, wake up with hangovers, and we never speak of this again? Sounds good? must be Blitzo. Head of the Immediate Murder Professionals

Blitzo: uh yeah. The one and only. And I prefer to keep the O silent. Only Stolas knows this but, it's to keep embarrassing memories from my circus days out of my brain

Khan glares at them and they nod, restring in him to trumpet loudly before slamming his trunk on his face so hard that blood came out straight from his mouth

Blitzo: the FUCK?!

Khan: where's the book?

Blitzo: book? What book?

Khan then slammed his trunk at his face again

Blitzo: GOD! Think I chipped a tooth

Khan: we know you have it. The Grimoire of Stolas goetia. The one you use to travel to earth

How the fuck did they know about that?! Only a few demons knew they used that, and he was pretty sure none of them would be hiring these jackasses to hurt him. Now Blitzo was really beginning to see his situation, and his heart was starting to race

Blitzo: I don't know what you are talking about! We get to the human world by a ritual I found! But if it's a book you guys want, I hear the Bible can get you saved!

The blows returned, and they continued with each denial Blitzo spat out. He had taken beatings before. It came with his job territory, but he never took one that lasted as long as it did. They didn't hold back, hurting him in any place from his horns to his balls. He used his trunk, and tusk

By the time it was over, Blitzo could barely feel anything but numbness from the beating. His entire body was unable to respond to his nervous system moving. Slowly, he lifted his head and gave a weak, bleeding smile.

Blitzo: Over...already? I was...just getting...started...

He then closed his eyes and passed out.
2 days later
The sounds of fists hitting flesh echoed in the dungeon hallway. Blitzo would have kept cursing, but yesterday they had damaged his teeth and mouth so hard that he was spitting out blood. His right eyes had a black shiner, so he couldn't see very well, and he was pretty sure his nose was broken. If that wasn't enough, he was getting significant pains in his chest to the point where breathing was a bitch.

Helluva boss: alternate continuationWhere stories live. Discover now