The mysteruous island

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On the shore of the sea, with the moon shining high in the night sky, Battle Scar and his pack were resting among the safety of some rocks. The waves gently rolled over the sand and lapped up against Battle Scar's feet as he stood in the shallows, looking out over the vast ocean stretch before him. It seemed to go on forever, like some endless lake, especially now that it was nighttime. He had seen the ocean many times in his life, but the sight of it never ceased to amaze him.

Battle Scar and his pack were not like most predators of this world that the Gang had encountered in the past. They didn't eat the flesh of leaf-eaters. Instead, they preyed upon fish. Wherever there was a source of water that had a surplus of fish, they could survive. They often traveled around, following herds of leaf-eaters to where there would be sources of water. For a while, these herds would be wary when they saw these biters following them. However, they became less agitated when they saw that the pack made no intention of harming them.

As for Battle Scar himself, he was a strong and noble leader, just like his father before him. However, his name wasn't always Battle Scar. His birth name was originally Small Talon. The reason for this was because when he was born, he was a runt. Although he was the son of the leader of the pack, he didn't hold a lot of promise of becoming as strong and fierce as his father.

However, on one fateful, and terrible day, everything changed.
Baryonyx: It's Sharptooth! He's coming!

At the sound of that name, the whole fish-eater pack erupted in sheer panic and terror. Small Talon began to tremble when he heard that Sharptooth was coming. His voice failed him, and he couldn't bring himself to scream.

Father: Everyone! Get across the river! He won't follow us there! Children and elders first! All strong fighters will help fend Sharptooth off!

Small Talon watched as the children and elders raced into the river. Even though there were fierce rapids in the river, the pack were all experienced enough with these kind of conditions to know what to do. The larger members picked up the young ones and carried them either in their mouths or on their backs. When they hit the deeper parts of the water, they immediately began to swim toward the opposite shore as fast as they could. Because the rapids were also carrying them away, they had to swim at an angle to make sure they could get to the shore on the opposite side.

Once all of the children and elders were across, Small Talon's father began to tell the others to head across.

Father: Son! Get across to safety! Quickly!

Small talon: B-B-But what about you?!

Father: Don't worry about me! I'll...!

At that moment, there was a horrible, terror-inducing, heart-pounding roar erupted from the edge of the forest.

Like a living nightmare, Sharptooth came storming out of the forest!

Small Talon screamed when he saw the gigantic, greenish black biter. His enormous, terrifying jaws were dripping with saliva. His blood red eyes locked right onto Small Talon.

Those eyes were absolutely terrifying. They didn't even look normal by the standard of most predators. All the kindness and compassion that Sharptooth might have had at some point in his life seemed to have vanished completely. He couldn't even speak anymore.

His soul was just filled with mindless rage, anger, hunger, and hatred.

Suddenly, Sharptooth lunged forward toward Small Talon!

But before he could reach the petrified biter, Small Talon's father charged forward and knocked Sharptooth aside. He then snarled as he stepped in front of his son, determined to shield him from this monster.

Helluva boss: alternate continuationWhere stories live. Discover now