The answer

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  Glorfindel look at the riders who come from the south. It was the prince and a she elf. How did they manage to catch up with them he wonder. Elrond look pleased to see Legolas. But not Galadriel or Celeborn. There something they hiding.But  Glorfindel knew he shouldn't press the point. So he just kept it quiet. Watch the prince intensely.

"What are you doing here Legolas?!" Scold Galadriel. Eyes bright with anger and fear.


"I merely searching for my father. Is that forbidden?" Words drip with venom.


"You got a kingdom to be take care of!" Her voice raise. It's not a good to encounter with a mad Galadriel.


"Is the kingdom is more important than my own blood and flesh?!"

"He doesn't want you to be here" her voice now were soft and sad.


"And why is that?"


"He doesn't need more scar to be added to..."  


"I know...but I need him. I pushed him to hard,make him fell into an abyss he already in before. I defiant him,accuse him...the things he doesn't have to be blamed of "


All of them sat on our horse silently. No other sound of the gushing wind.Each of them remained mute on our way. Heading to Dol Guldur with fear fill our heart. Dol Guldur known as a place of the evil. Orcs,giant spiders and goblins all breed here. And now,the master of evil have claimed Thranduil as his own subordinate. One of their kin. The silent felt like eternity until Legolas break the silent.


"M'lady,may I ask you something?"


"Yes,what is it Legolas?" Galadriel turn her attention toward him.


"You been my father adopted family before am I correct?"

Elrond eyes widened at this statement. He didn't know that Thranduil is telling Legolas about his past. The past which he hate very much and forbidn to be speak of. Then he interject,


"Did your father told you about this?" Said Elrond.


"No,I found his journal in his study room. Why?"


"I bet you already know a bit of his dark past,am I correct?"


"Yes" Legolas nod. "That's why I wish to join to search him. I wrong too much. I...I...insult him the things that I supposed not to"


"Why did you ask about this Legolas?" This time Galadriel ask.


"There's a page been ripped off the book. The last page wrote that he had to leave Lothlorien and back to Mirkwood. Suddenly he wrote that

the king is dead. A dragon scarred him. He...he's blind! Is that true?"

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