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Kayson's pov

So about 30 minutes after Davina got picked up, I went back up to her apartment. I gave Xander a call to update him on the situation, and then I started cleaning what I like to call the 'depression room'.

It took me 2 hours to clean it all. The bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, and the dining area.

I didn't even bother going near the spare bedroom and bathroom, it looks like it hasn't been touched yet.

I had music blaring through every room the whole time, that's the only way I can ever be productive. And I couldn't slack off here, it looks like a murder scene in her bathroom. She was barely alive for the past week, and that's obvious.

You're fucking welcome Davina. Do this bullshit again and you're on your own.

I'm on my way home to get ready for work when I get a call from an unknown number. I let it ring for a minute before answering it, being glad I did. Willow's shaky voice starts on the other end of the phone, "I'm on Dav's phone, mine died, and I'm lucky I even grabbed hers."

I stay silent for a little bit, slightly annoyed with all the tears I've been around in these past couple weeks. Then she starts talking again.

"Xander isn't answering his phone, and they just told me they don't know when she could even wake up." She breaks out into a crying mess over the phone.

Fucking hell. I want to be AWAY from all the fucking crying.

"I'm on the way Willow." And I hang up.
Davina's pov
(This bitch is hallucinating)

"Is that you?"
"Can I stay with you?"
"I'm not strong enough to do this without you."
I see him, there's no way. I'm with him again. Right now.
I hear his voice, but it sounds sadder than I remember it.
"It's me baby, but you can't stay with me..you have a full life to live.. go live it Faye."
"No, dad, I can't do this without you. I miss you. I cant stay here alone."
I see him in front of me, right in front of me. I missed him. Why is he telling me to leave?
"I love you Faye baby, but you can't stay with me. I'm always with you. Don't do this to yourself. Don't destroy yourself."
His shaky hands fall into my head and brushes through my red hair.
He kisses me forehead and walks away.
"No. DAD!"
As he walks away, the white light behind him follows. It goes quiet and I slowly go in and out of black and white.
While black and white flashes slowly in my closed eyes, i stiffen up and grip the chain around my neck.
My dad's chain.

(she's done hallucinating:))

After what feels like hours of black and white flashing in my eyes, it slows down some. My body relaxes some and I quickly sit up. My body jerks upward, my back leaving the bed behind me. My eyes shoot open, and I suck in a sharp breath while I look around.

My breathing becomes really rapid, as if I've been holding it for too long. I see the doctors trying to talk to me, their lips moving, nothing reaching my ears.

I look around throughout the room. I see Willow gripping onto Xander's white T-shirt, her face in his chest.

I see nurses coming in and out of the room I'm in. I look straight ahead of me, at the end of the bed. Just to find Kayson gripping the end of my bed, while he looks down me with a cold look in his eyes.

I start to hear everyone trying to talk to me, but my eyes are on his. Ignoring every sound I hear, my body slowly starts to relax as his eyes stare into mine. His eyes go from cold and emotionless, to having a look of emotion that I can't really read right now.

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