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Davina's pov

October 28th, 2:00pm

Kayson insisted we stay "one more week" every week. So we've been here for a while now. I can't complain though. This place is heaven on earth. This was well needed, for both me and Kayson. Our relationship too. But..we go home tonight. Tomorrow's my birthday. It's just another day though. It'll be my first birthday without my dad. And I'm dreading it. Though now that I have Kayson back it'll be better. His birthday is a day after mine too, so we'll be celebrating together. Nice right?

"Davina, love. I have your chocolate and root beer." I hear Kayson come back from the store I sent him to. I started my period about a week ago, it ended yesterday. But I still insisted he go and get my Twix and Root Beer. I needed it. I run to the bedroom doorway he's standing in and jump into his arms, giving him countless amounts of kisses. Getting on his nerves. "Thank you, my sexy, hot, model, Greek god boyfriend." And I may be a little high, I smoked after he left, so he wouldn't take big ass hits off my blunt.

I hear him laugh under my kisses, his smile bigger than any smile I've ever seen on him. "God, I'm so lucky to have your ridiculous ass." I let out a huge, dramatic gasp, acting as if calling me ridiculous was the biggest insult ever. "How DARE you call me ridiculous." I place my hand on my heart as I start to laugh uncontrollably. He stares at me with a look of adoration in his eyes, making my laugh come to a halt. "Don't look at me like that." I bring my hands to his chain and start fidgeting with it, feeling awkward under his gaze. "Can I give you your birthday present now? I don't think I can wait any longer."

I narrow my eyes offensively before putting a finger in his nose. "You said no birthday gifts." He pulls his tongue piercing in between his teeth before looking at me humorously. "Oops.. Anyways, I have your gift in my pocket, do you want it now or when we get home?" I pull my hand out of his face and lay my head on his shoulder, thinking hard about what it could be before I get it. "Now please." I whisper into his neck. He brings me to the foot of the bed and sits me down on it before getting onto his knees in front of me. "This is only the first one. The rest I'm giving to you in front of Willow and Xander."

I nod as he pulls a little box out of his pocket, being careful with it as he opens it up. He turns it around to show me what's in the box and I immediately throw my hands over my mouth and close my eyes. "It's your first birthday without him, I thought you'd like for him to still apart of your special day." I feel tears slide down my cheeks with a mixture of sad and happy tears as I fall to the ground with Kayson. He wraps his arms around me softly as I cry softly against his chest. "Thank you. So much." I bring my face to his before laying a gentle kiss on his lips.

He pulls the necklace out of the box cautiously before placing it around my neck. It's a silver heart locket. On the front of the locket it says 'Forever and always, My Faye baby.' When you open it up you see a young me at the beach with my dad. Smiling, laughing, having the time of my life. There's little diamonds placed sporadically around the heart, making the picture standout even more. "I have one more thing to give to you now. The rest is for tomorrow." I suck in a harsh breath as he pulls out our scrapbook from the nightstand and brings it to me. "No way. You kept it all this time?"

He sets the scrapbook down in front of me before answering me. "Of course I did. I also added some new pictures in there." My mouth falls open slightly before I flip to the updated pages, smiling big after seeing the pictures. The first picture he added was a picture I didn't even know he took, from the first night we met, sitting in front of the window of my old apartment. Cute. The next picture is another candid photo of me, except this one is of me in the middle of me dancing. My hands thrown in my hair, my legs crossed as I was about to spin, and my face full of pure bliss. Under these two photos Kayson's handwriting takes place. 'I don't know what my future holds, but I really hope you're there.'

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