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Kayson's pov
                   November 24, 9:00pm

"Is she doing alright? I know she's been stressing herself out more recently." I ask her uncle over the phone. "She's alright, kid. I'll keep my eye out for her while you're gone." I close my eyes after thanking him and hanging up the phone.

Normally I wouldn't be this worried about her, but she's on her last day of pain meds from the pregnancy. Her and pills don't exactly have a good history, I'm waiting for that call every second that I'm not there. She's been staying at her uncle's where she's under 24/7 care. I got called out to do the things she was supposed to do before all of this happened. I'm sure she'd rather do anything than be in bed all day, but when I get called to do something to keep her safe I'm gonna do it.  We were supposed to go have Thanksgiving dinner with the mafia family today, but I wasn't going if she wasn't going. So we didn't go.

So all day I've been in meetings, reading paperwork, signing paperwork, doing everything she wouldn't be able to do right now. Or ever for that matter. She hates meetings because of her ADHD, she hates reading because she dissociates and has to start over, and she hates signing her name on anything because she can't stand to see the last name she got from the only man she loved at one point. She'll get over that one day, and I know it. I'm gonna wait to give her my last name until she can look at her last name without getting upset. I believe in her. I always have. I always will.

"Kayson." I hear Davina's distressed voice call out to me as I'm walking down the hallway to get to her room. My head snaps behind me and I immediately start walking in her direction. "Baby. Hey. Why are you crying?" I get no response other than her arms around me and her head in my chest. My body relaxes once I feel her against me, but not enough. Something's wrong with her, and I won't fully relax until I know what it is. "Davina? Please talk to me about it." She sucks in a sharp breath before grabbing my hand and taking me wherever she's going. I stay quiet until we end up on a balcony on the third floor of the house.

"You have perfect timing, Kayson." She breaks the silence as she looks out at the view in front of us. All she has on is a pair of sweatpants, a sweater, and socks. "Let's go inside and talk. It's like thirty degrees out here, and you don't even have shoes on." She looks at me with a hint of humor in her eyes. "It's only two degrees. In my foreign world.. that's not too terribly cold, Kayson." Her hands find the inside of my shirt as she wraps them around my waist. I suck in a sharp breath at the coldness of her fingertips, shocked at how cold she actually feels. I have on a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie, and my leather jacket..and she chooses to put her hands in my shirt.

"What did you mean by I have perfect timing?" I wrap my arms around her to ease her shaking. Her body relaxes a bit against mine, letting me know I'm actually helping her. "The night you first arrived here. I was on my way to the bathroom to find a way to make the pain go away. No matter the circumstances. You know exactly what I mean by that. Then you showed up. Tonight you stopped me from doing the same thing. Just by simply showing up when you did." I close my eyes and drop my head back with her words. "Are you in pain tonight?" I bring her face up to mine when I pick her up, her hands wrapping around my neck as I do. She simply just shakes her head and looks out at the scenery around us. I grab her chin and bring her face back to mine with furrowed eyebrows.

"I can't stand being alone any longer. You're taking me with you wherever you go from now on.. while we're here anyway. Xander and Willow left a couple nights ago, and I haven't seen you since the morning after you got here. I can't stand it. I can't stand not having anyone around." My eyes stay on hers as her hands find my face and her lips find mine. I pull away almost as fast as she kisses me so I can read her expression. "I need you, Kayson. I always will." A switch gets flipped in me and my body becomes 20 degrees warmer. I know now isn't a good time, but hearing her say she needs me makes me feel a certain type of way.

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