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Davina's pov
                    February 5, 11:00 a.m.

"I swear it will get easier." Willow whispers to me, her arms wrapped around my weak body. I shake my head multiple times in response, waiting for everything to just end. I feel like everything is crumbling down on top of me at once, like the world is crashing into me and I can't get up. "Baby, you need to listen to me. I know you've gone through a lot, but you can never give up okay? Please." She continues to calm me down, trying to slow my head down, trying to ease the pain I'm feeling. She doesn't know that I'm about to crash down, she doesn't know that the pills in my system are about to do what I want them to. She doesn't know. She just hopes she got to me before I did.

Xander and Kayson called Willow earlier asking if they could come in the hotel, they found us. Kayson is still near dead to me, and I want nothing to do with him, but Willow needs Xander and I will walk through any amounts of fire for them to see each other again. The past month has beat me, I've been in hotels in every city I end up in. I told my uncle I was stable enough to lead a mafia, the last thing he needs to see is me on my lowest levels. So I haven't called him to stay with him. I'm going to end up on top, whether it's after these pills decide to work or not. I will be on top. I can and will do it to prove my mother wrong.

"The boys are here, you sit right here and calm down." She then gets up and opens the door, I hear both boys asking different questions. Kayson asks where I am and if I'm okay. Xander asks if we're both okay and if we need anything. What Willow doesn't tell them is that I'm in the bathroom about to be on my death bed, I get why she doesn't mention it. Kayson cares, and when he cares, he cares so much that he hurts himself. Whether he lied to me or not I do love him, but I'll treat it as if I've lost another loved one, because that's never an okay thing to lie about. Just when my eyes begin to feel heavy, I see the boys storm in, both with scared and worried eyes. "Willow, she's about to fucking OD." Kayson's angry voice calls out, looking at Xander to make sure he's not hallucinating.

Kayson kneels down to me, checking out my pulse, opening my eyes a little to see what little life is left. He finally tries to pick me up off the ground and I protest, asking for Willow and Xander. He fights it, my screaming and fighting doing nothing. "You're nothing to me, Creed! You hear me?! Nothing!" I slur out with weak breaths in between my words. He stops his walking, my body still fighting as much as it can. He looks down at me in his arms slowly before he finally speaks to me. "I could give a shit less, Davina. I just want you fucking ALIVE!" He yells at me, for the first time ever. His eyes full of hurt and his voice shaky and unsteady. "Kayson, go take a seat. I'll get her to the hospital." Xander speaks up, patting a comforting hand on his back. He just looks at me for a second before he bites his lip, and looks down, his eyes growing glossy.

Xander pulls me out of his arms and begins to walk out of the room, my eyes scan back to Kayson, who's eyes are already on mine, tears falling running rapidly down his face. I shouldn't feel bad. I should feel on top of the world for making him cry, but all I feel is guilt. I feel like I just stabbed a knife through my soulmates heart. I feel like I'm dying. As we make our way out of the room, my eyes begin to blacken, feeling my body go limp just before I get one more word out. "Kayson." I try to lift my head up to look at him one more time but it's too late. My body goes limp, my eyes go dark, and Kayson begins to cry louder on Willow's shoulder.
- — - — - — - — - — - — -
"You are not my daughter. You're a monster. Just like your goddamn mother." I hear my dad muster out through tears. His face contorted into a million different emotions.
"I only did what I was taught to do."
"No. I don't take any part in what you've done to my wife."
"Your wife was a monster!!"
"Just like my daughter!"

I begin to cry, my whole body fills with every emotion I never wanted. I feel a hand on my shoulder, but it isn't my father's, it isn't the comforting hand I'd hoped for. It was Kayson. My body freezes in shock, my mouth opens to let a word or two out, but nothing comes. "You're not the monster you think you are, my love. Wake up." I look at the two men around me and begin to feel conflicted, my love and my best friend. The two people in my life that meant more to me than anything.
"You're a fucking shot excuse for a daughter, Faye."
"No you aren't, D. Wake up, please."

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