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Davina's pov
September 18, 11:00 p.m.

Kayson hasn't been taking this lightly, none of us have.. but it's bad. Since Xander's been in the hospital, he's either been at work or in the gym.. and anytime he is home, we fuck. As much as I'd hate to complain about that, it's all he wants. If we aren't having sex, he doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't really understand the change because the first couple of days all he wanted was to be next to me. When we're done, he showers and leaves the house without a word. It's the quietest, roughest, and most hateful sex we've ever had. Though, it isn't bad, I'd like to not feel like a sex toy that's holding his kids. Not only have we not spoken, he won't sleep in the same bed with me. I need to talk to him, but I have a feeling the only way I can is when he's inside me.. and that's a huge problem considering the high he seems to feel when we fuck. I love him with every fiber in my soul, but I have a feeling this won't be good.

"Kayson. Come here." I speak, but it's as if I'm speaking to a brick wall. My heart twists in a hurtful manner, making my jaw immediately clench. If it's one thing these mental disorders of mine cause, it's the simple fact that I don't handle being ignored very well. Matter of fact, it's angering me to the point of shaking. "KAYSON." I yell as he tries to walk out of the front door, my voice shaking as I do. He turns slowly in my direction, looking as if I'd fucked up his whole day. "We fucked an hour ago. What could you possibly want now?" My brows immediately go up in disbelief and disgust. An angry smile pulls itself on my face and I look around at anything but him. "I don't want your dick. Matter of fact, I'm sick of it. Keep it to your goddamn self until you have more dick in your jeans than in your mouth. Or is it up your ass?" He's quick to reach his hand around my neck in an aggressive attempt to shut me up. "And I'm sick of your fucking attitude. My brother is dying and you think I'm gonna be myself? Go fuck yourself."

The angry smile stays put on my face, but an even angrier laugh bubbles out from my throat. "I hate to break it to you, dear.. but we're both losing someone important to us." He closes his hand around my throat even tighter, causing me to struggle to breathe. I put a single eyebrow up and send a hard slap to his cheek, setting him off guard and letting me go. "And with how you're acting? You're about to lose more than one." I push him away from me in one aggressive push filled with an angry adrenaline rush. "Matter of fact, make it three more, because right now? You aren't exactly stable enough to deal with twins." He furrows his brows and shakes his head. "You wouldn't do that. You need me." I slam the front door open look up at him with an infuriated expression on my face. "I'm already doing it, sweetheart. These babies and I will be just fine without you. Get out." My throat starts to close up with emotion, my voice still shaking, yet strong enough to make him sit down and understand just how serious I am. "Out, Kayson." All he does is shake his head and look down. "You're low for even insinuating that you'd let those babies grow up without me."

I laugh out loud, an angry sound I haven't heard in a while. "You just tried close off the air from my lungs, all because your pride is bruised from me telling you I was tired of being sex toy." He looks up at me with hurt in his eyes, but his nostrils flare up with anger. "So, that's it? You want me out? For how long?" My anger takes over when he gets up and walks over to me quickly, pushing me from the door and slamming it shut. I fall to my ass and hiss in pain when my tailbone makes its impact, already feeling the bruise coming. "Get up. I'm not leaving. We're not done." I sit on floor with one hand on my stomach and the other on my lower back. Tears well up in my eyes, but I do t dare let them fall in front of him. "GET OUT. NOW." I raise my voice as much as I can without letting it break. I wince in pain as I get back to my feet, almost braking down right then.. but I refuse to let him see what he's caused. "I'm not leaving. I'm not fucking leaving. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME." He screams at me now, his face looking like it never has before. Fear begins to rumble in my bones, and I suddenly want out quicker than ever before.

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