Book 2 chapter 8 / Bonus chapter part 8

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Dominic's POV.

My princess' their friends stayed for a few hours before they left again two days ago.

They talked to her, somehow catching her up on the news from school and other things as if she could understand and hear them.

It was...cute I guess.

I'm just glad that my baby sister found some friends who actually care for her and not some stupid idiots who'll use her later on in life.

I miss her so much.

More then two weeks without her is too long.

Far too long.

If she ever moves out in like twenty years or something, I already know I will not be able to handle it which is...probably sad I guess.

She'll get tired at me for wanting her around in the future.

Luckily that isn't happening any time soon.

She still waits at the door around the time I come home to be the first one who gives me a hug.

I miss her hugs as well even though I practically devour her with my much larger frame than hers but those tiny arms trying to fully wrap around my waist will never get old.

I've missed so much of her life already, I can't take it to lose any more time.

She needs to wake up.

She needs to live her life and make even more friends and finish school.

She needs to wake up because I need her- because we all need her.

Life without that little sunshine is something I never want to experience again.


We're a family- it will never feel complete if one of us isn't around.


I can't.

She needs to wake up.

After the kidnapping earlier this year my fear to lose them or to see them hurt only increased.

The pain and fear I felt in those few days without the twins was practically unbearable.

It was even worse then now, here with my princess I know that she's here and she's healing but with the twins back then...god I didn't know anything. Every second they could be getting killed or tortured.

It was horrible.

That incident made me realize even more that I don't see my brothers and sister as my siblings but as my children.


It's a few days later when I get the first sign of some kind of consciousness back from Alessia.

A squeeze in my hand.

The first in more then two weeks.

Unfortunately the doctor ruled it out as some kind of muscle memory.

I don't believe him though.

It felt too real as if she was reaching out to me- to us.

That was a few hours ago, it happened this morning.

I haven't left her side since for she might wake up and I don't want to miss that- neither of us do.

So we stay here, seated next to her, holding her hand or having one on her leg.

Please wake up princess.

Please wake up.

We need you.

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