Book 2 chapter 20

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Alessia's POV.

"For what you did you will be grounded for two weeks. No electronics, you will not leave your room except for during school where you will be placed aside so you can't have contact with your friends." Nick says.

No friends

But I've only seen them once since the fire and now he wants me to not see them again.

"But-" I start when Nick interrupts me, "But what?" he starts

"I need to see my friends" I whimper softly scared- fearful while my heart pounds loudly in my chest.

My hands shake horribly fast, "I don't care what you want- " he starts when Noah cuts him off.

"That's a bit harsh don't you think- what could she have done that was so wrong?" Nono asks Dominic.

"She hit a classmate for not giving her money" Dominic informs all my brothers, even Leo since he comes down during the day with an elevator.

My brothers look at me with mixed emotions.

Anger, confusion, disappointment...

My heart breaks more and more.

I'm losing everyone in my life.

My breathing turns ragged.

I try to make it right one more time, "I didn't-" I start but Dominic cuts me off again.

"Did or did you not hit Anna!" He yells.

I cower in fear as my breathing only increases and my hand start to go numb.

"Answer me Alessia!" He yells again demandingly

Carlo springs in my mind yelling at me.

Hating me

Taunting me

Hurting me

"I d-did" I whimper out crying

He looks at me with clear disgust, "What you did was wrong- horribly wrong. And if you ever do that again you will not like the consequences. Am I being clear!?" He continues to yell making my breathing only escalate more.

I nod my head while closing my eyes trying to stop the images but it doesn't work.

My jaw suddenly gets gripped tightly, "open your eyes and answer me" sir demands.

My breathing picks up more and more as my body shakes.

My eyes fly open while the tears rolling down my face start to coat his hands, "yes s-sir" I whimper out my breathing intensified even more, if that was even possible.

The tight grip on my jaw loosens.

I take the opportunity and keep backing up as the images of Carlo make me want to die.

Eventually I reach the end of the couch and I fall of.

I don't let the pain stop me and keep backing up.

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