Chapter One: Narration

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Peter Narrating: I'm sixteen and I still don't understand what it is that people do.

Peter takes the train to school everyday. He tries to keep to himself most days. He really only talks to Ned and sometimes MJ. A lot of the time at school, Peter is getting bullied. He's seen as a loser, a nobody.

While Peter is walking to school, One of Peter's bullies jokes around and almost hits Peter with his car. Peter gets out of the way just in time.

Flash: What's up Penis Parker !

Peter Narrating: It's as if all of this was built on nothing and nothing were holding all this together.

Peter tries to hide his struggles from everyone in his life. He doesn't want them to worry. He always tries to force a smile and act a certain way when he's not alone. A lot is always going through his head constantly.

While Peter is getting stuff from his locker, Ned comes up behind him.

Ned: Guess who got the new lego set today?

Peter: What? No way, when can we build it?

Ned: Soon!

Peter Narrating: I grew up around here. Apartments are nice. Some of them have balconies.

Ned: Let's plan for this weekend to build the lego set.

Peter Narrating: And the trees are nice. I don't understand them either but I like them.

Ned: You seem off, are you okay?

Peter: Yeah... I'm fine...

Peter Narrating: Sometimes I wonder if life was wasted on me. It's not that I'm dumb to the beauty of things. I take all the beautiful things to heart till I die from it. 

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