Chapter Five: Ned's Concern

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The next day at school. It is Friday. Peter and Ned are in shop class. This is one of Peter's favorite classes. Peter is working on a project. Ned walks into class and greets Peter. They do their handshake.

Peter: Ned, I know we planned to build the Lego set this weekend but I can't anymore.

Ned: What the hell. You're canceling on me?

Peter looks up from his project.

Ned: Whatever. Why can't you anymore? Do you have a mission to go on?

Peter: Uh yeah. I'm following a lead for Mr. Stark this weekend. He texted me this morning about it. Sorry Ned, We'll try to build the Lego set some other time.

Ned: All good. Going on a mission is way cooler than building a Lego set.

Peter: I guess so. I really want to prove to Mr. Stark that I can really help out.

Ned: Well if you need a guy in the chair, I'll be around.

Peter: Thanks. Do you ever get really angry for no reason?

Ned: I mean maybe. I don't know.

Peter takes a hammer and hits his project as hard as he can. Peter doing this made Ned really concerned. Peter has never really acted like this before.

Teacher: Please be careful. I don't need students getting hurt on my watch.

Peter: I'm fine. That made me feel better.

Peter and Ned leave class later than everyone else to avoid Flash in the hallway.

Ned: Peter, what happened in class? I've never seen you like that.

Peter looks at Ned.

Ned: Do you want to talk about it?

Peter: Uh, no. It was an accident. Just ignore that. I'm all good Ned, don't worry. 

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