Chapter Ten: Tony Texts Peter

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The next day. Right after school, Peter is out being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Tony is at Avengers Tower with Happy. Tony is going through outfits while Happy is sitting down.

Happy: Do you need me to do anything else before I go see what Pepper needs me to do?

Tony: Can you text the kid for me? It's important.

Happy: yes.

Tony: Thanks. After that you can go see Pepper.

Happy: What do you want me to say to him from you?

Tony: Say hey kid, haven't talked in awhile. Let's talk soon. Come to the facility Saturday. That's all. Thanks, Happy.

Happy gets up and walks to go find Pepper.

Happy: Friday pulls up Tony's text messages with Peter Parker.

Friday: Right away.

Friday pulls up their messages. And Happy begins texting Peter for Tony.

Happy: Friday, notify me when Peter answers.

While the message is being sent, Peter is watching the neighborhood like a hawk to make sure everything is okay. His phone buzzes so he looks at it.

Peter talks to himself.

Peter: Ugh why does he want to talk about it again? I just don't want to talk to anyone. Why does everyone lately want to talk? I'm over it.

Peter texts Mr. Stark back. 

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