Chapter Eighteen: Stark Industries

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The next day at Stark Industries. Happy and Peter are walking to Pepper's office together. Happy needs to talk to Pepper.

Happy: I need you to tell Tony something for me. I would tell him but I know it will make him mad so it is better that it comes from you.

Pepper: Oh god. That bad? What do you need me to tell him? I can talk to him after work.

Happy: I was talking to May the other day and she told me that Peter got himself into some trouble this past week.He basically attacked these two random boys and they ended up in the hospital. Which is so unlike him. May was going to call Tony but she's been dealing with Peter so she texted me to deal with the issue of telling him.

Pepper: What...? Peter Parker attacked some random kids? What? Are they sure it was him? The Peter I know would never hurt a fly. I'm honestly shocked right now. Did Peter ever go to the Therapy appointment?

Happy: It was 100% Peter. And no he didn't go because of his detention.

Pepper: The kid needs some serious help. Tony is going to be devastated to hear about this.

Happy: I think Peter is actually starting to realize that. He just doesn't want to hear anything from everyone. right now.

Pepper: This will be the first thing I talk to Tony about later. Ugh this poor kid. Breaks my heart to keep hearing stuff like this.

Happy: Mine too.

Pepper: I have a meeting now. Thank you for telling me. Bye, Happy.

Pepper walks into her office for her meeting. Happy goes to deal with security problems for Stark industries. 

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