Chapter Forty-Five: Tony Checks In

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Monday, the day after the Avenger team meeting. Right after school, Peter went straight to watch over the neighborhood. He avoided everyone today.

He's still trying to comprehend the party on Saturday night. Once he took the pill with MJ, everything went black. The next morning was rough for Peter. He had to deal with a major hungover but also the drugs wearing off. He laid in bed the whole day to recover.

MJ was right though, the drugs did help. He's actually debating on actually buying from one of MJ's dealers to make him feel better. But he's still thinking about it. Everyone says drugs are bad but why are they bad if they are helping him?

He mainly avoided people at school who were at the party. Like Ned. Once he left to go outside at the party, he didn't see Ned the whole rest of the night. Peter just doesn't want to answer any questions.

He just wants to be happy all the time. He feels like he's running out of options. But putting on the suit again does make him feel better. So who knows maybe he'll just avoid the drugs and just work on his superhero skills.

After watching the neighborhood for a couple of hours, Peter takes a break to eat some food. Tony calls him during this.

Peter: hey Mr. stark, what's up?

Tony: hey kid, how are you? What are you up too? How was the party this weekend? Just checking in.

Peter: I'm good actually. I'm out right now watching the neighborhood. Feels good to have my suit on again. The party was good. It was the first time in awhile that I felt normal.

Tony: good to hear. I just wanted to check in with you. Wanda told me about the text you sent her.

Peter: oh, Mr. Stark, I drank a little to much. It didn't mean it at all.

Tony: it worried all of us kid. You're still going to therapy right? I haven't reached out to your therapist in a while.

Peter: all of us? Who else did she show? I swear it didn't mean anything. And yeah I'm still going. Everything's good. Therapy's good. I'm good.

Tony: just some of the team. Wanda was just concerned. Don't be mad at her. If anything starts to bother you, you know you can come to me and the team right?

Peter: yeah.

Tony: good. Have a good week! Let me know if you need anything.

Peter: thanks Mr. Stark. I will. Bye.

Tony: bye kid.

He wishes he didn't send that text to Wanda. It was the alcohol and drugs that made him. It really made him think. Now he has to watch what he sends to Wanda and even the team. He feels overwhelmed.

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