Chapter Two: Losers

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The same day, it's just a normal day at school. Peter tries to keep his head down in class. He would rather not be noticed by anyone in class. All Peter thinks about is when he can leave school and put on his suit. Becoming spider-Man lets him become someone else.

Hiding behind his mask lets him be whoever he wants. As of right now, the only people who know that he is Spider-Man are Ned, the Avengers, and Aunt May.

Flash has been bullying Peter for a long time now so Peter tries to avoid him whenever he can.

Teacher: Peter! Are you still with us?

Peter: Uhh... yeah... yeah... Mass cancels out so it's just Gravity times Sin.

Teacher: Right!

Flash: You're dead!

Basically everyday at lunch, Peter, Ned, and sometimes MJ sit by themselves. Sometimes they team meetings during lunch so they end up sitting with the academic decathlon team.

Peter has the biggest crush on Liz right now. He isn't sure how to tell her.

Peter: Liz looks beautiful today.

Peter's really awkward with girls which makes him really angry.He just wants to be a normal teen and do normal teen stuff. But that won't ever happen because of his past and because he is Spider-Man.

Peter: Should probably stop staring before it gets creep though.

MJ: Too late. You guys are losers.

Ned: Well then why do you sit with us?

MJ: Because I don't have any friends.

MJ calling him and Ned losers made Peter upset and made him think about it a lot. He has so many questions.

Why do people hate him? If he were to disappear would people care? What did he do? to deserve this? Will Flash ever stop hating him? Should he tell someone? Maybe Mr. Stark could help? Aunt May?

But Peter doesn't want to worry anyone. For now he'll keep it to himself, again. 

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