Chapter Thirty-Seven: Clint's House

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The next day, Tuesday. The team is helping Clint out at his house. Steve and Tony are chopping wood for him.

Tony hasn't talked to Peter in a bit. He did text him to congratulate him on Nationals. Tony's now wondering if he should have kept Peter's suit a little longer.

Steve: been meaning to ask, how's Peter?

Tony: He seems a lot better but I really never know what's going on till it's too late.

Steve: I've been meaning to reach out to him but I didn't want to overstep. He knows he can come talk to the whole team right?

Tony: Yes, I think so. I just want him to get better. Love the kid.

Steve: me too. It just takes time Tony.

Tony: I think I made a mistake. I have the kid with his suit back. I thought he might be ready but now I'm second guessing myself.

Steve: we'll you said his therapist told you he was making progress right?

Tony: Yes, that's why I gave it back. It belongs to him. And I trust him. But what if something bad happens again?

Steve: We will cross that bridge if or when we get there.

Tony: I just worry.

Steve: Rightfully so.

Tony: I don't know what to do. Do I take the suit back? Do I just let him have it right now? I feel like I'm making everything worse. He doesn't communicate with me.

Steve: You are doing Everything right. There isn't a correct way to help people. You do what you can. You're helping Peter more than you know. He is a smart kid. I think you going to get his suit back will show him how much you trust him. And how he is making progress and you see that.

Tony: Yeah, you are right.

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