Chapter Thirty: Phone Call with Happy

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While on the bus, Happy calls Peter.

Liz: Where are you going?

Peter: I have to answer this call real fast. It will be quick.

Peter starts walking towards the back on the bus. He picks up the phone. MJ watches him.

Happy: Hey Peter. Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing.

Peter: I'm good. Just a lot going on right now. I'm actually on my way to Nationals right now. We are running drills.

Ned: Who is it?

Happy: Where are the Nationals?

Peter: D.C. We are almost there. This bus ride is exhausting.

Happy: So Tony wanted me to let you know that he left something in your room. I guess you'll see it when you get back.

Peter: Okay, I have to run. Bye, Happy.

Happy: Bye Kid. Be careful please.

The team is almost too Nationals. They eventually stopped running drills and started to relax.

Peter: It's so nice here.

Ned: yeah it is.

Peter never gets out of New York so he's just so amazed about what he sees. While Peter and Ned are looking out the window of the bus, MJ comes up behind them.

MJ: Hey guys. I'm really excited for this weekend. If we get some free time, we should hang out.

Wow. MJ wants to hang out with him. He's now wondering if she likes him.

MJ: I'm going back to my seat, Let me know.

MJ walks away.

Peter's stomach started to act up again. Could it be because he is nervous? Or because of his pills? Or is he getting sick?

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