Chapter Forty-Two: Humiliated

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Ned: Okay first of all, when does MJ look like that? Second, since when did she do drugs? She was talking about pills.

Peter: I don't know Ned. Maybe this is the type of thing she does at parties. But she looked different, a good difference.

Ned: Peter, do you have a crush on MJ? And Liz?

Peter: I don't know. Maybe. Is that bad though? I'm going to hang out with both of them and see what happens. They seem interested in me, I think.

Ned: Peter, that's a terrible idea. What if they are just being nice. What if they don't like you back?

Peter: dude.

Peter starts to walk down the hall and Flash sees him.

Flash: penis Parker! What's up! Watch out everyone, we have Mr. Anger issues here!

Ned and Peter both stare at Flash. Peter is frozen at this moment. Everyone is looking at him and laughing. He tries to use his breathing exercises from therapy.

Flash: when I say penis you say Parker! PENIS!

Crowd: PARKER!

Flash: PENIS!

Crowd: PARKER!

This is so humiliating. He needs to walk away from this situation before something bad happens. Peter turns to Ned.

Peter: Ned I can't do this. I'm grabbing a drink and going outside. Go ahead and dance. I'll be okay.

Peter heads outside.

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