Chapter Thirty-One: Exhausted

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They finally get to the academic decathlon. By this point everyone wants to get off the bus. Peter is about to throw up. He is so ready to get to his room. Nationals are on Sunday during the day. They have all day Saturday to relax. Peter just wants to sleep. He can't do this day anymore.

Peter and Ned are sharing a room. Peter is debating on telling Ned everything that is going on. He wants to take Wanda's advice but he still isn't sure. Peter just doesn't know if Ned will understand. He's his best friend but some things are just so personal.

The team follows Liz inside. She needs to check in with the academic decathlon officials before they do anything. Mr. Harrington gets all the room keys while Liz does that.

Liz: Midtown High School checking in.

Mr. Harrington: Hi, I'm here to pick up room keys for my team.

While the two of them do that, the team looks around. The hotel is beautiful.

Abe: Wow, this place is awesome.

Peter: I can't wait to sleep. I'm so tired. I might stay in the room tomorrow, Ned.

Ned: Peter, we have to explore.

Peter feels bad but he just doesn't know if he'll be up for it. But he also does not want to let Ned or anyone down. 

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