Chapter Twenty-Five: Cheers

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The next night. After a meeting with the Avengers, Tony goes home to Pepper.

Tony: Friday send a message to Peter Parker.

Friday: Yes Boss. What do you want to say?

Tony: Hey Kid. Just checking in to see how you are. Haven't talked to you in a week. Hope therapy is going. May says you are doing a lot better. Let's chat soon!

Friday: Should I send the message?

Tony: Yes. Send it. Let me know when he answers.

Tony walks into his apartment.

Tony: Hi honey. What are you up to?

Pepper: Just figuring out a plan to redecorate our new cabin.

Tony: Ah yes the cabin. I'm excited to spend some time there.

Pepper: Same but it won't be ready for a few months. I want it to be perfect for us.

Tony: It will be.

Pepper: How was the meeting? How is the team?

Tony: Good and good. I had to tell them a little bit about what happened with Peter. They were asking where he was. Do you think I should tell him I told them? Also I told Wanda to contact him. I think she could help him in addition to therapy.

Pepper: You what?

Tony: I'm sure he wouldn't care that I told them. It's not like I told them a lot.

Pepper starts to walk over to the couch area.

Pepper: Well Tony, you didn't need to share his story. He's having some serious problems.

Tony: Pep, I only told them that he was struggling and needed a break. He's doing a lot better. They were just concerned since they hadn't seen him around. I think I did the right thing.

Tony follows Pepper to the couch area. Pepper sits down.

Tony: What's the champagne for? Did I forget something special about today? I'm sorry if I did.

Pepper: I just wanted to celebrate our new cabin.

Tony: You had me nervous there for a second. I would love some champagne.

Pepper smiles at Tony.

Tony: What would I do without you honestly?

Pepper: Hmm... You'd be so lost.

Tony: Cheers to us Pep!

Pepper: Yes, Cheers!

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