Chapter Nine: Practice

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Two days later. The academic decathlon team meets right after school. They are practicing for Nationals.

Liz: Open your books and turn to page ten.

Peter isn't sure if he still wants to be on the team with everything going on. So he talks to his teacher during the team meeting.

Mr. Harrington: So Peter, What are you saying?

Peter: I just need a week to figure out a few things before I commit to the team and Nationals.

Flash: I'll fill your spot. Go ahead and quit.

Liz: Really right before Nationals?

MJ: He already quit marching band and robotics lab.

The team looks at MJ.

MJ: I'm not obsessed with him, just very observant.

Liz: If Peter does quit you'll fill his spot Flash. I hope you don't quit though, Peter.

Flash: Fine. I hope you do Peter Parker.

In reality, MJ was obsessed with Peter. She had a huge crush on him but she knew he liked Liz. MJ is rude to the people she likes. People take this the wrong way sometimes. That's why she doesn't have too many friends.

MJ lives with her mom and sister. Her dad died a couple years ago. She doesn't talk about it. At school she tries to be left alone but at home she spends all her time with her sister and mom. MJ does get bullied just like Peter but not as bad. It's just a few remarks about what she wears.

She tries to not let it bother her. But that doesn't really work. She takes it one day at a time. MJ sees Peter going through the same thing but is too scared to talk to him about it. They have so much in common but finding the right words is tough.

MJ is constantly stressed. She struggles with her mental health. Her mom tries to help her as best as she can but her mom has no idea what happens when she's not there. Ever since her dad died, she's been doing drugs everyday. She's gotten very good at hiding her addiction from people. 

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