Chapter Six: Cover's Blown

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The next day, Saturday night. Peter follows a lead for Mr. Stark. The one rule Mr.Stark gave Peter was to stay hidden and not get noticed. He just wanted Peter to get as much information as possible.

While following one of the leads, he saw something blow up in the distance. He thought Mr. Stark would need this information so he gets up and swings towards the explosion.

When he gets there, he stays hidden just like Mr. Stark said. He sees three men. It looks like two of the men are selling illegal weapons. This is exactly what Mr. Stark was trying to prevent. Peter watches. He really wanted to prove to Mr. Stark that he can be helpful and worth it.

Then all of a sudden Peter's phone rings. His cover is blown. A gun is pulled out which scares Peter. The last time he saw a gun was when his Uncle Ben died in front of him. Peter doesn't want another person to die so he jumps out of hiding.

Peter: Hey, hey come on! If you're going to shoot someone, shoot at me.

Guy: Alright.

When the guy points the gun at him he shoots a web and takes the gun from him. Peter then runs towards the two men that were illegally selling weapons. One of the guys takes out one of the weapons and attacks Peter with it. Peter gets thrown.

Peter: Ow.

Both men then jump in the van and drive off as fast as they can. Peter follows the. He knows he messed up badly. Mr. Stark is going to be so mad at him. He broke the one rule he gave him.

Peter is literally about to have a panic attack. He has to catch these people in the van then call Mr. Stark. Of course something bad happens. Why wouldn't something bad happen?

Peter to himself: Got you right where I want you.

Peter jumps to the van. What he didn't notice was the Vulture behind him.

Peter screams.

The guys in the van got away. He blew his cover. And now he's getting carried away. What else can go wrong? 

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