Chapter Fifty-Five: Pills and Coke

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Saturday morning before he gets ready for the dance tonight, Peter goes to buy more drugs from his dealer. He told May he was going on a run so she wouldn't question where he was.

Pills and Coke is Peters dealer. He does some serious hard drugs. He sells a whole bunch of stuff. Peter knocks on the door and Pills and Coke let him in.

Liz and Peter texted throughout the week. They planned on meeting at her house tonight before the dance. To drink and to take pictures. Peter hopes tonight goes well.

Peter: I know I owe you some money. But is it possible to get a few pills for tonight? I'll get you the money in a few days. I just need to sell a few things.

Pills and Coke: only because you are friends with MJ, one of my favorite customers. Grab a bag of pills from the counter.

Peter goes to the counter and grabs some pills. MJ must go to Pills and Coke a lot to be one of his favorites.

Peter: uh thanks. I'm going to head out. I'll be back with the money eventually.

Peter starts walking towards the door and Pills and Coke follows him.

Pills and Coke: listen I'll give you three days to give me the money or something I don't want to do will happen.

Peter: I will have the money.

Pills and Coke: if you want stuff that is less expensive, I might have some stuff you'd be interested in.

Peter: Like what?

Pills and Coke: Heroin. Coke. But if you want to stick with the good pills, you need to have the money or else.

Peter: got it.

Pills and Coke starts to close his door.

Pills and Coke: remember three days.

He shuts the door. Peter walks away from the house and goes home.

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