Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night to Remember

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Saturday, the day of Liz's party. May drove Ned and Peter to the party.

May: Here we are boys. Looks like there are a lot of people here. You two be careful, okay?

Peter: Yes, May.

May: I'm sure you guys will have so much fun. House party in the suburbs. Oh, I remember these. Kind of jealous.

Ned: It'll be a night to remember. Our first high school party!

Peter looks out the window. He is nervous to go in.

May: Ned, some hats are worn by men. You wear that hat.

Ned: Yeah, it gives me confidence. I have a crush on Betty so I need confidence to talk to her.

Peter: I don't know if I can do this. There's a lot of people there. I think I just want to go home.

May: oh Peter, honey, I know you've been going through a lot but I think it's good to spend some time with your peers.

Peter looks at May.

May: just do me a favor, you're not supposed to drink on your medicine. So please no alcohol. And listen I know you like Liz, give her a little kiss.

Peter gives May a confused yet embarrassed face.

May: I'm just kidding around with you. That's my job.

Peter: Funny May.

May: he's been so stressed out lately, make sure he has a good time Ned.

Ned: What helps with stress is going to a party. We should go to the party now Peter.

Peter: yeah yeah. Let's do it. Yeah. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go.

Ned and Peter start to get out of the car.

May: Peter! Have fun, call me if you need me.

Peter: I will May. Bye.

Ned: bye May.

Peter watched May leave. He's really nervous about the party. He knows Flash will annoy him. But he's excited to see Liz. And MJ if she's here.

Ned: Why were you so nervous in the car? This is our first party. We need to be cool.

Peter: I was hiding a vodka shooter. I stole it from May and put it in my sleeve. I didn't want her to see.

Ned: I thought you weren't supposed to drink?

Peter: I'll be fine.

AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora