Chapter Fifty-Eight: At the Dance

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Peter then leaves the car. Liz's dad really scared him. He can't have May find out about anything. She'd be so disappointed in him but also herself. He can't have that. She would understand that it was helping him. If she knew she'd tell Tony and the others. And then he would have to get help.

The only thing to do is make sure May doesn't get a call from Liz's dad. Which can't be too hard. But also he could try to get clean and tell May that it's in the past if Liz's dad does end up telling May.

Peter has many thoughts going through his head while walking towards the door of the school. He doesn't think he can go through with hurting Liz. But it seems like the only choice.

Peter is still sweating. He reaches the door. He is shaking. He looks through the glass to find Liz. He sees Ned. He looks so happy. Ned waves at Peter.

Then Peter sees MJ. She looks great. She is dancing and looks super happy. He wishes he realized how much he liked her earlier and asked her to the dance instead.

Peter walks into the dance. He found Liz. He starts to walk towards her. Liz has been waiting for Peter. She has planned out the entire night with him.

Peter: Liz.

Liz: Hey you!

MJ walks right past Peter making eye contact with him. Peter is so tempted to follow her. Should he just go? Liz can tell something is off. She knows it's something to do with her dad.

Liz: What did he say to you?

Peter just looks at Liz.

Liz: Peter? What's wrong?

Peter: I need to go.

Liz's smile drops.

Peter: I'm sorry Liz. I really am. Bye.

Liz watches Peter leave the gym. She is so confused and so upset. She starts to cry in the middle of the dance floor.

Peter runs out of the gym to find MJ. MJ is the one Peter needs in his life. He needs to tell her that. MJ has been sitting outside the school. She got some air and quickly did some drugs. Peter finds her and sits down next to her. He pulls her hair out of her face.

Peter: hi. Are you okay?

MJ: I'm hurt. When I heard you were going to the dance with Liz I was shocked. I thought you would ask me over Liz.

Peter: I'm sorry. I've been thinking about you.

MJ: But not enough to reach out? It kind of seems like you used me for drugs and my dealer. I wanted to still be friends but you cut me off. And the worst part is I still want you.

Peter: MJ, how can I make this up to you? I want you too.

MJ: You have to prove it to me Peter.

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