Chapter Twenty-Four: Flash

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Peter gets up.

Peter: Well...I wasn't going to say anything till our next meeting.

Liz looks at Peter.

Peter: I think we are going to kill at Nationals with you as our captain.

Liz smirks at Peter. Flash starts walking towards Peter.

Flash: We don't need Mr. Anger Issues back on the team. We can win without you.

Peter: Well... I... um... I'm back on the team... So...

Flash continues to walk toward Peter. Peter turns around to look at Ned.

Peter: Help me.

Ned just stares at Peter.

Flash: No one wants you back on the team Penis Parker. Everyone is scared that you are going to attack them. Right Liz?

Peter looks at Liz.

Liz: That's not true Flash. We need everyone's help if we want to pull this win off. Welcome back Peter.

Peter: Thanks Liz.

Liz: You're welcome.

Flash: Whatever. You ain't shit Parker. It's only a matter of time till you get angry again.

Peter: I... um...

Liz: Flash that is enough. When we win, party at my house. Everyone is invited. Flash you don't have to attend if you are uncomfortable.

Flash: Oh. I'll be there. The question is will Peter actually go to a party.

Flash walks right past Peter.

Flash: Loser.

The bell rings.

Peter's encounter with Flash really made him mad but he and his therapist have been practicing breathing exercises for when he is mad. Peter turns around to Ned.

Peter: Ned. You had to say something?

Ned: Hey, I think that went surprisingly well. Liz seemed happy that you were back. Don't you have a crush on her?

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