Chapter Sixty-Three: To Rehab They Go

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A couple of days later, May called Tony while he was on his way to another mission to tell him about Peter. Tony was shocked. But he offered to send Peter to rehab and help him any way he could.

He called the best rehab place and will be taking Peter there in two days. He needs to tell the team he is leaving the mission. Tony just can't believe that Peter was doing drugs.

Nat: Are you okay? Those phone calls seemed to throw you off.

Tony: I swear Peter is going to give me a heart attack one day.

Nat: What happened? Is he okay? You said he was doing better.

Tony: I thought he was. Apparently he became addicted to drugs.

Nat: what? Are you serious?

Tony: yeah. I'm still in shock.

Nat: go home. Go see him. He needs you. I'll tell the rest of the team everything. We'll carry out the mission. Give us updates.

Tony: you're right. He needs my support. I need to get him ready for rehab.

Two days later, Tony is dropping Peter off at rehab. May helped Peter pack and sent him off with Tony.

Tony: Alright kid. This is it. We are here. Are you feeling alright?

Peter: yes.

Tony: remember if you need anything while you are in there have them call me. I know you won't have any phone privileges. I'm happy you asked for help. You're going to be okay. I know it.

Peter: Mr. Stark, I don't know how to thank you. I owe you so much. You are always here to help me. Thank you.

Tony: Of course.

Peter: I hope everything goes okay here. I'm really nervous. But I know I need the help.

Tony: Come here.

Tony hugs Peter.

Tony: you're going to be okay Peter.

Peter smiles at Tony.

Tony: bye kid.

Peter: bye Mr. Stark.

Peter gets out of the car. Peter finally gets the help he needs. MJ is also going to rehab just a different place. They are still together and plan on staying together through rehab and after. They will miss each other so much but this is what needs to be done.

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