Chapter Fifty-Seven: Toomes

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In the car. They are on their way to the dance finally.

Toomes: So Pete, what year are you?

Peter was looking out the window. He didn't hear what Toomes said.

Peter: what?

Toomes: what year are you?

Peter: I'm a sophomore sir. Next year I will be a junior.

Liz: Dad, I told you this. I met him through academic decathlon when I was a junior.

Peter: right. I remember the first meeting how crazy.

Liz: ugh... this makes me so sad. I don't want to graduate yet. This has been such a fun school year.

Toomes: are you looking at any colleges?

Peter: a little bit. I've been so busy. It's been hard to look but some look really nice.

Liz is looking at her phone. She leans into Peter and shows her phone to him.

Liz: Look how cute.

Peter: awww.

Liz: The dance looks so cute. People are already posting Snapchats. Dad hurry up.

Toomes: Pete, you like to dance? Show my daughter a good time.

Peter: Oh yeah. I totally can dance.

Liz: We are gonna have so much fun.

Toomes: just not too good of a time. No drugs, maybe a little bit of drinking. But not too much. And be safe.

Peter: yes.

Liz: Dad leave him alone. He's not like that.

They finally get to the school. Peter can't wait to get out of this car. He is sweating so much. So much pressure.

Toomes: Here we are! You go Liz, I'm going to talk to Peter real quick.

Liz: Okay, be nice. See you there Peter. Thank dad, I love you!

Toomes: have fun sweetie.

Liz gets out of the car and goes into the dance. Peter looks up and Liz's dad is looking at him.

Toomes: does she know?

Peter: Does she know what?

Toomes: that you are on drugs. I know when someone's on drugs, kid. You're sweating, not making eye contact. You got some balls being on drugs in my house. With my daughter.

Peter just looks at him.

Toomes: you seem like a good kid. I don't understand why you would do this to yourself. This is what you are gonna do for me. You are gonna go into the dance and let Liz down easy. I don't need you getting her addicted to drugs. And go enjoy dancing away from her.

Peter looks down.

Toomes: you need help. I will be contacting your parents.

Hearing Toomes say parents obviously hurt Peter. Of course he doesn't know his parents passed away.

Toomes: it's what needs to be done. Got it? Now say thank you and go enjoy your last night on drugs.

Peter: Thank you.

Toomes: you're welcome. See you Pete.

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