Chapter Fifty-Six: Liz's House

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Saturday night. It's finally time for the dance. May drives Peter to Liz's house.

May: Are you excited? You seem tense.

Peter: Yes, I think it will be a fun night. I hope so.

May: text me if you need me to get you. I'll be up.

Peter: will do, thanks May.

Peter starts to get out of the car.

May: have fun! Love you!

Peter: Love you!

Peter starts to walk towards Liz's front door. Peter is ready for tonight. Before he left home, he took a few pills. He didn't think they would be hitting him so fast. The pills he bought were different then what he was used to it seems.

Peter rings the doorbell and Liz's dad answers the door. He wasn't expecting this at all.

Toomes: you must be Peter.

Peter: yes.

Peter shakes his hand.

Toomes: come on in. Liz will be down shortly. We'll wait in the kitchen. Follow me.

Peter walks in the house. Peter didn't know Liz's parents were here. He follows Toomes into the kitchen. How are they going to drink? Peter wishes he had a heads up. He wouldn't have taken so many pills if he knew.

Peter begins to sweat. He is extremely nervous. He hopes Liz comes down fast. He doesn't want her parents to know she's on drugs. He's sure if he can hide it from May, he can hide it from anyone. He just wants to go.

Liz's mom walks into the kitchen.

Doris: Hi there Peter! So happy you are here! Liz will be down in a second. She just finished.

Toomes: you alright kid? You seem out of it.

Peter: yeah.

Toomes: you seem nervous.

Peter: no.

Toomes: want a drink? Water? Juice? A beer?

Peter: The heaters are good. I'm not old enough to drink.

Toomes: good answer.

Finally Liz came down to the kitchen. She walks toward Peter.

Toomes: wow!

Liz: Hey Peter. You look great. I hope my dad didn't give you too much of a hard time.

Peter: You look nice.

Toomes: right again Peter.

Peter is so nervous. He knows he definitely looks nervous too. Peter hands Liz the corsage May bought.

Peter: here.

Liz had expectations for tonight. She wanted everything to go perfectly. She imagined Peter putting on the corsage on his wrist for her.

Toomes: are you ready to go? I'll drive.

Doris: hold on! They need to get pictures.

Doris grabs her camera and goes by Peter and Liz.

Doris: Okay great. Get together! Cheese! One more!

Peter: Sir, you don't have to drive us.

Toomes: I don't mind.

Doris: Look how cute these are.

Liz's mom shows her the pictures of her and Peter.

Liz: aww!

Doris: Now have fun Liz! He's cute!

Liz walks toward the door. Peter follows. He just needs to make it through the car ride and then he's in the clear. Toomes says goodbye to his wife.

Toomes: love you, I'll be back. Come on Peter.

On his way out she passes Liz's mom.

Peter: Nice meeting you!

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