Chapter Fifty-Three: Planning for the Dance

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After school, Peter goes home and needs a lot of help preparing for the dance on Saturday. He knows May will help him. He quickly popped a pill in before he went home. He needs to get more for the dance on Saturday.

Peter: May! I need your help.

It had been awhile since Peter really spent time with aunt May. This makes her upset but he's a teen, she doesn't want to bother him. She was of course happy to help him with this. A chance for them to bond.

May told Peter to go grab uncle Ben's old suit that is hanging in her closet so it can be sent to the cleaners. She'll take it to the cleaners later to make sure it's ready for Saturday.

Tuesday, May found Peters nice shoes. She also had a chance to clean them and make sure they were dirty for the dance.

He really wants to show Liz that he's having a good time and knows how to dance. He has been practicing his dancing in the mirror and with aunt May. He's trying to move out of his comfort zone which is really hard for him.

MJ and Peter have been ignoring each other at school. MJ found out that Peter asked Liz to the dance and she didn't take that well. He will be preparing all week for this dance. It's a big deal for him. He actually has a date and really likes Liz.

Wednesday. May helps Peter figure out how to tie a tie. They are watching a video online to learn how to do it.

Peter: Why is this so hard?

May: let's keep watching. It will make sense eventually.

Peter has really never needed to wear a tie until now. He wishes uncle Ben was here to help him. This kind of makes him sad. Thank god for aunt May.

Peter: Like this?

May: turn it that way.

Eventually they figured out how to properly tie ties.

May: we did it!

Peter: Looks good right?

Thursday. Peter tries the suit on. It's a perfect fit. May continues to teach Peter how to dance.

Peter: I'm terrible at this.

May: you dance just like Ben. Just let loose. Feel the music. Don't be stiff.

Peter: okay.

May: this is what you need to do on Saturday. Liz will love it.

Peter: Thanks for helping May. I'm so excited.

Friday. May goes to the store and buys Liz a corsage. She got it the day before so they didn't need to rush to get it the day of. Everything is prepared and Peter is ready for the dance.

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