Chapter Twenty: Shocking News

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Tony: Detention? Peter? Peter Parker? What the hell did he do?

Tony is shocked that Peter got detention. Peter was doing great in school. What could he have done?

Pepper: He attacked two random boys Monday. They seriously injured Tony. They were in the hospital.

Tony: Wait a minute, he physically hurt people? That is not Peter at all.

Pepper: I know. This kid is going through it all Tony. He needs you. He's plummeting.

Tony: I literally can't believe this. Why would he just randomly attack two kids? It just doesn't make any sense.

Pepper stares at Tony. She can tell that he's upset by the news. Peter means a lot to Tony. She knows Tony sees him as a son.

Tony: He needs help, yes. But when will he take the help from everyone else? I've tried everything to get this kid to talk to me. He just wanted to be totally alone. I'm just so concerned, I don't know what to do anymore.

Pepper walks toward Tony and comforts him. She puts her arms on his shoulders and brings him close to her.

Pepper: It's okay. I'm here for you and Peter. Everything will be okay.

Tony: I need to speak with him as soon as possible.

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