Chapter Fourteen: Payback

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Monday. Peter is in gym class. Peter has been ignoring all texts and calls from everyone. Ned has been trying to get in touch with Peter because something happened over the weekend. Ned decides to tell Peter during gym class. He thinks Peter is mad at him or something.

Ever since Peter saw Mr. Stark this weekend, he's been thinking about therapy. He decided he is going to go. MJ is still struggling as well. Just better at hiding it than Peter. Peter is slowly figuring out that he does need some help. He never wanted to ask for it.

Ned: Where were you this weekend? I called and texted you like a hundred times.

Peter: I was at the Avenger Facility with Mr. Stark. Sorry.

Ned: Oooooo.

Peter: He made me a new suit too. It was pretty cool but I didn't take it home yet.

Ned: Wow. Glad your weekend was better than mine. I hope you picked it up this weekend. I really needed to talk. I was walking past that old car shop and the two boys from our sister school who work there saw me and started screaming at me.They were calling me fat and they threw a twinkie at me.

Peter: Oh my god. Ned. I'm so sorry man. I was in my own world. I should have picked up or texted you back. Screw those boys honestly. They are nothing but bullies.

Ned: It was terrible Peter. I wish you were there with me. Could have used your Spider-Man strength.

Peter: Wow. This makes me really angry. I'm sure you're angry too.

Ned and Peter sit in silence. Peter has so many thoughts going through his head right now. It's one thing for him to get attacked but his best friend. No way. He's going to teach these boys a lesson. Ned's just happy to tell someone about what happened. He doesn't know what Peter is planning.

After school Peter goes home, changes, and then heads to the old car shop where the two boys work. Once he gets there his anger takes over and everything goes black. Peter then attacks both of the boys.

He starts by attacking one of them from behind. He closes the hood of the car on top of one of the boys. He then moves to the side of the car where the other boy is. He starts punching him as hard as he can. And shoves a twinkie in his mouth.

He moves back to the other kid to finish what he started. The kid is crawling on the ground. Peter kicks him. Peter puts a bag on top of his head and then leans toward the one kid.

Peter: Never mess with Ned Leeds ever again. Do you understand me?

The kid quickly says yes and Peter runs off. 

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