Chapter Three: Haunted

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Every week, Peter has the same memory re-surface in his dreams. His past is catching up to him. This memory is from when he was a child. One of the last times he saw his parents alive. The memory always fades from being completely sharp to complete blurriness.

In this memory, he is walking into his fathers office. The room is completely destroyed. Paper is everywhere. The window is open blowing the wind in. Glass is all over the place. He walks over to his dad's desk. He hears footsteps coming towards the room.

Young Peter: Dad?

His father walks in and is in shock. Peter's dad grabs him and puts him away from the window. He closes the shades. Then he yells for his wife to take Peter out of the room. Peter can tell his dad is frightened and frantic.

Peter's mom comes running in and picks up Peter. And before he can see his mothers face he wakes up every time. He never sees his parents' faces anymore.

The memory of his parents haunts him. He doesn't remember much from his childhood. Over the years, he's forgotten what his parents' faces look like. The only way he can remember what they look like is through photos May has.

Peter always wakes up from this dream in tears. The only person who knows about this reoccurring dream is Aunt May. He doesn't know how much longer he can deal with this. 

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