Chapter Fifty: Feel Like Shit

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A week and half goes by. Peter ended up texting the dealer and buying drugs when he could. Peter hasn't been himself. He's been ignoring a lot of people, not paying attention in classes, and stopped going to therapy.

The dance is coming up fast. Peter needs to make up his mind about who he wants to take as soon as possible before either of them gets asked. But lately that didn't even feel important. Nothing feels important. Peter just doesn't know what to do anymore.

Tony and the team are away on a mission so they are the only person who checked up on Peter at the moment May. But Peter knows how to fake being okay and sober around her. He's gotten used to it.

The new pills he bought are hitting him differently from any of the other ones he has taken before. But he likes the feeling. He's finally happy. No pain for a little bit of time. His body and mind feel numb but a good type of numb.

A day he has off from school, he takes the new pills. Peter doesn't realize May is home while he's walking around high. He totally forgot she comes home early from work some days.

May: Peter honey what are you doing?

Peter ignores her.

May: hello earth to Peter! Can you hear me? What are you doing? Are you sick? You're sweating a lot.

Peter: I'm fine May. Just a little off today, that's all. I do feel like shit.

May: what's off? Talk to me. You don't need to curse Peter.

Peter: I'm really dizzy. I'm gonna go take a nap or something. Hopefully I stop feeling like shit.

May shakes her head angrily but accepts what Peter has said and lets him go to his room to sleep. Peter slowly walks to his room. That was a close one.

AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora