Chapter Fifty-Four: At the Cabin

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Friday night. Tony and Pepper are at the cabin to spend time together since Tony has been on a mission with the team.

While cleaning the dishes, he sees a picture of him and Peter. He hasn't seen Peter in awhile. Tony has been so busy. But so has Peter. Tony has tried to text Peter a few times since they last talked but Peter wasn't really responding a lot.

Is he still worried about Peter? Of course how can he not be. He feels like he will always worry about Peter.

Pepper always knows how to handle these things. Tony needs to talk this through. Is giving him some good for Peter? Tony walks toward the living room area and sits down on the couch with Pepper.

Tony: random question, how have you talked to May recently?

Pepper: yeah. I talk to her a lot. Peter is fine. If that's what you were wondering.

Tony: good.

Pepper: what's going through your head?

Tony: I got a call from Peter's therapist. He stopped going. I don't know why. That's concerning right?

Pepper: Have you tried just talking to him about it?

Tony: I texted him asking how therapy is and he said it's been good but he hasn't gone in two weeks at least. He knows I'm paying for it, why would he lie to me?

Pepper: Maybe, he just doesn't want you to be disappointed. There has to be a good reason for him not to go. Maybe he thinks he's okay now.

Tony listens to Pepper talk.

Pepper: May told me he has a dance tomorrow and he's going with a girl he really likes. He seems happy. Maybe we should let it play out and see if he still needs therapy.

Tony smiles.

Tony: I'm happy for him. I just want to make sure he's healthy and dealing with everything correctly.

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