Chapter Forty-Three: Popping Pills

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MJ is sitting outside when Peter walks out of the house. Peter is still in awe about how amazing she looks.

MJ: Hey Peter.

Peter: Hey MJ.

MJ: I heard Flash chanting your name. I'm sorry about that. He's a total dick.

Peter: It's whatever. Needed to walk away. Are you having fun?

MJ: Yeah I am. Just taking it all in. I think I overdid it tonight.

Peter: Do you need anything? I can get you a drink if you want? Or water?

MJ: I'm okay thanks Peter. I just am so off today.

Peter: What's wrong?

MJ: Do you ever just get sad for no reason at all?

Peter: yeah. All the time honestly. Nothing helps with that though.

MJ: I used to think that too. When I get sad, you know what helps me?

Peter looks at MJ.

MJ: doing drugs has really helped me. I know it sounds silly but they really do help.

Peter: before with Ned, you said you have pills? Where do you get the drugs?

MJ: yeah. I have a few pills that I got today. I'm not sure what drug it is but I was told it was good stuff. I get my stuff from two different dealers. Why? Do you want me to hook you up?

Peter: Um. I don't know. I've never done drugs before. This is my first time drinking. And I feel kind of drunk.

MJ: Do you want to try some pills? We can take them together.

Peter: yeah.

MJ gets the pills out and takes two out. One for her and one for Peter. Together they take the pills.

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