Chapter Sixty-Two: A Plea for Help

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It is 12:30am. Peter has been at the hospital for hours. He forgot his phone at home because he was in a rush. May has been waiting for him to get home. She is pissed. She was so worried about him. Peter never told May where he was going.

May: I've been worried sick about you Peter. You've done this way too many times to me. I called and texted you a hundred times. I was just about to call the police. We have rules. How dare you. If you would have just let me know where you were. You're my kid, my responsibility.

Peter is so distraught, tired , and on the verge of collapsing and crying his eyes out. He is also shaking because he hasn't taken his pills for hours. After crying and crying for hours, he accidentally threw up in his shirt. He had to go to the gift shop and get a new shirt.

He's not really sure why he threw up but he thinks it's because he didn't take his pill. After he calmed down, they allowed him to see MJ. MJ's mom made sure he got to see her. It was for a little bit. But he was so happy to see her; to see she was alive and okay.

He realized he needs to stop the drugs as soon as possible. He's at the point where he is addicted. He can barely go hours without doing drive. He needs major help. It's time to get clean. It's time to tell the truth.

Peter: May. I'm sorry. I left my phone here. I didn't realize the time and how late it was.

May: cut the bullshit. There has been something off with you for so long now. I'm not sure what it is but I don't like this new you at all. You don't think I notice these things but I do.

Peter just looks at May. He starts to tear up.

May: Peter. I just need you to talk to me. I'm so worried and scared for you. Peter please.

Peter: MJ is in the hospital. I had to go see her. I love her.

May: what?

Peter: yeah. I'm sorry.

May: what happened?

Peter: she overdosed this evening. I literally talked to her right before it happened. She was fine. She had control over the drugs. She never overdid it. I don't know what happened.

Peter sits down on the couch.

Peter: I just can't lose anyone else.

May walks toward Peter and starts to rub his back.

May: it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. You knew she had a drug problem?

Peter is silent.

May: Peter? Have you been doing drugs with MJ? Is that why you've been so distant and not yourself?

Peter: I need help May. I don't want to overdose like MJ. I want to live.

May: we'll get you help honey. Don't worry. You'll be okay. I'll make sure of it.

Peter: Thank you.

May: what I need you to do is hand me any drugs that are in your possession. We need to get rid of them. We will get you clean.

Peter shakes his head.

Peter: okay.

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